This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Primitive Types
Number: represents a number, whether it is an integer, a floating-point number, or a NaN (Not a Number). |
String: represents a sequence of characters, enclosed in quotes (single or double). |
Boolean: represents a logical value of either true or false. |
Null: represents a deliberate non-value or null reference. |
Undefined: represents an uninitialized or undefined value. |
Variables Can Change Types
let numPuppies = 23; // Number
numPuppies = false; // Now a Boolean
numPuppies = 100; // Back to Number!
Variables are like labels for values |
We can store a value & give it a name in order to: |
Refer back to it later |
Use that value to do...stuff |
Or change it later on |
const works just like let, except you CANNOT change the value. |
Booleans are very simple.
You have two possible options:
true or false. That's it! |
let syntax
Basic syntax:
let someName = value;
Recall values:
let hens = 4;
let roosters = 2;
hens + roosters //6
const syntax
const hens = 4;
hens = 20; //ERROR!
Boolean syntax
let isLoggedIn = true;
let game0ver = false;
const isWaterWet = true;