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Python basics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Some basic stuff about pyton (original copyright and all other legal rights go to Louie Dihn on

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Primitive Datatypes and Operators

# You have numbers
3 # => 3

# Math is what you would expect
1 + 1 # => 2
8 - 1 # => 7
10 * 2 # => 20

# Except division which returns floats, real numbers, by default
35 / 5 # => 7.0

# Result of integer division truncated down both for positive and negative.
5 // 3 # => 1
5.0 // 3.0 # => 1.0 # works on floats too
-5 // 3 # => -2
-5.0 // 3.0 # => -2.0

# When you use a float, results are floats
3 * 2.0 # => 6.0

# Modulo operation
7 % 3 # => 1

# Expone­nti­ation (x**y, x to the yth power)
2**4 # => 16

# Enforce precedence with parent­heses
(1 + 3) * 2 # => 8

# Boolean values are primitives (Note: the capita­liz­ation)

# negate with not
not True # => False
not False # => True

# Boolean Operators
# Note "­and­" and "­or" are case-s­ens­itive
True and False # => False
False or True # => True

# Note using Bool operators with ints
0 and 2 # => 0
-5 or 0 # => -5
0 == False # => True
2 == True # => False
1 == True # => True

# Equality is ==
1 == 1 # => True
2 == 1 # => False

# Inequality is !=
1 != 1 # => False
2 != 1 # => True

# More compar­isons
1 < 10 # => True
1 > 10 # => False
2 <= 2 # => True
2 >= 2 # => True

# Compar­isons can be chained!
1 < 2 < 3 # => True
2 < 3 < 2 # => False

# (is vs. ==) is checks if two variable refer to the same object, but == checks
# if the objects pointed to have the same values.
a = [1, 2, 3, 4] # Point a at a new list, [1, 2, 3, 4]
b = a # Point b at what a is pointing to
b is a # => True, a and b refer to the same object
b == a # => True, a's and b's objects are equal
b = [1, 2, 3, 4] # Point a at a new list, [1, 2, 3, 4]
b is a # => False, a and b do not refer to the same object
b == a # => True, a's and b's objects are equal

Using [None]

# None is an object
None # => None

# Don't use the equality "­==" symbol to compare objects to None
# Use "­is" instead. This checks for equality of object identity.
"­etc­" is None # => False
None is None # => True

# None, 0, and empty string­s/l­ist­s/dicts all evaluate to False.
# All other values are True
bool(0) # => False
bool("") # => False
bool([]) # => False
bool({}) # => False


# Strings are created with " or '
"This is a string."
'This is also a string.'

# Strings can be added too! But try not to do this.
"­Hello " + "­wor­ld!­" # => "­Hello world!­"
# Strings can be added without using '+'
"­Hello " "­wor­ld!­" # => "­Hello world!­"

# A string can be treated like a list of characters
"This is a string­"[0] # => 'T'

# .format can be used to format strings, like this:
"{} can be {}".f­or­mat­("St­rin­gs", "­int­erp­ola­ted­") # => "­Strings can be interp­ola­ted­"

# You can repeat the formatting arguments to save some typing.
"{0} be nimble, {0} be quick, {0} jump over the {1}".fo­rma­t("J­ack­", "­candle stick")
# => "Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candle stick"

# You can use keywords if you don't want to count.
"­{name} wants to eat {food}­".fo­rma­t(n­ame­="Bo­b", food="l­asa­gna­") # => "Bob wants to eat lasagn­a"

# If your Python 3 code also needs to run on Python 2.5 and below, you can also
# still use the old style of format­ting:
"%s can be %s the %s way" % ("St­rin­gs", "­int­erp­ola­ted­", "­old­") # => "­Strings can be interp­olated the old way"


# Lists store sequences
li = []
# You can start with a prefilled list
other_li = [4, 5, 6]

# Add stuff to the end of a list with append­end(1) # li is now [1]­end(2) # li is now [1, 2]­end(4) # li is now [1, 2, 4]­end(3) # li is now [1, 2, 4, 3]
# Remove from the end with pop
li.pop() # => 3 and li is now [1, 2, 4]
# Let's put it back­end(3) # li is now [1, 2, 4, 3] again.

# Access a list like you would any array
li[0] # => 1
# Look at the last element
li[-1] # => 3

# Looking out of bounds is an IndexError
li[4] # Raises an IndexError

# You can look at ranges with slice syntax.
# (It's a closed­/open range for you mathy types.)
li[1:3] # => [2, 4]
# Omit the beginning
li[2:] # => [4, 3]
# Omit the end
li[:3] # => [1, 2, 4]
# Select every second entry
li[::2] # =>[1, 4]
# Return a reversed copy of the list
li[::-1] # => [3, 4, 2, 1]
# Use any combin­ation of these to make advanced slices
# li[sta­rt:­end­:step]

# Make a one layer deep copy using slices
li2 = li[:] # => li2 = [1, 2, 4, 3] but (li2 is li) will result in false.

# Remove arbitrary elements from a list with "­del­"
del li[2] # li is now [1, 2, 3]

# Remove first occurrence of a value
li.rem­ove(2) # li is now [1, 3]
li.rem­ove(2) # Raises a ValueError as 2 is not in the list

# Insert an element at a specific index
li.ins­ert(1, 2) # li is now [1, 2, 3] again

# Get the index of the first item found matching the argument
li.ind­ex(2) # => 1
li.ind­ex(4) # Raises a ValueError as 4 is not in the list

# You can add lists
# Note: values for li and for other_li are not modified.
li + other_li # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

# Concat­enate lists with "­ext­end­()"
li.ext­end­(ot­her_li) # Now li is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

# Check for existence in a list with "­in"
1 in li # => True

# Examine the length with "­len­()"
len(li) # => 6


# Python has a print function
print(­"I'm Python. Nice to meet you!") # => I'm Python. Nice to meet you!

# By default the print function also prints out a newline at the end.
# Use the optional argument end to change the end character.
print(­"­Hello, World", end="!") # => Hello, World!

# Simple way to get input data from console
input_­str­ing_var = input(­"­Enter some data: ") # Returns the data as a string
# Note: In earlier versions of Python, input() method was named as raw_in­put()

# No need to declare variables before assigning to them.
# Convention is to use lower_­cas­e_w­ith­_un­der­scores
some_var = 5
some_var # => 5

# Accessing a previously unassigned variable is an exception.
# See Control Flow to learn more about exception handling.
some_u­nkn­own_var # Raises a NameError