Built In Library
Log |
message |
Logs the given message with the given level. |
Log Many |
*messages |
Logs the given messages as separate entries using the INFO level. |
Log To Console |
message |
Logs the given message to the console. |
Set Log Level |
level |
Sets the log threshold to the specified level and returns the old level. |
Sleep |
_time_ |
Run Keyword |
name, *args |
Executes the given keyword with the given arguments. |
Run Keyword If All Critical Tests Passed |
name, *args |
Runs the given keyword with the given arguments, if all critical tests passed. |
Set Variable |
*values |
Returns the given values which can then be assigned to a variables. |
set variable if |
condition, *values |
Sets variable based on the given condition. |
Set Global Variable |
name, *values |
Makes a variable available globally in all tests and suites. |
Convert To Integer |
item, base=None |
Converts the given item to an integer number based on base value |
Convert To Boolean |
item |
Converts the given item to Boolean true or false. |
Convert To Bytes |
input, input_type=text |
Converts the given input to bytes according to the input_type. |
Convert To Hex |
item, {base=None, prefix=None, length=None, lowercase=False} |
Converts the given item to a hexadecimal string. |
Convert To Number |
item, precision=Value |
Converts the given item to a floating point number based on precision |
Convert To Octal |
item, {base=None, prefix=None, length=None} |
Converts the given item to an octal string. |
Convert To Binary |
item, {base=None, prefix=None, length=None} |
Converts the given item to a binary string. |
Evaluate |
expression, {modules=None, namespace=None} |
Evaluates the given expression in Python and returns the result. |
Create List |
*items |
Returns a list containing given items. |
Stops executing the enclosing for loop. |
condition |
Stops executing the enclosing for loop if the condition is true. |
Force Close Chrome Drivers |
taskkill /f /im chromedriver.exe |
Selenium Library - Browsers
Firefox |
ff, firefox |
Google Chrome |
googlechrome, chrome, gc |
Internet Explorer |
internetexplorer, ie |
Edge |
edge |
Selenium Library - Part 1
Open Browser |
Browser |
Go To |
Capture Element Screenshot |
Locator |
filename=File.png |
Capture Page Screenshot |
filename=File.png |
Checkbox Should Be Selected |
Locator |
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected |
Locator |
Choose File |
Locator |
FilePath (Forward Slash /) |
Click Button |
Locator |
Click Element |
Locator |
Go To |
Mouse Over |
Locator |
Mouse Out |
Locator |
Mouse Down |
Locator |
Mouse Up |
Locator |
Mouse Down On Link |
Locator |
Mouse Down on Image |
Locator |
Input Text |
Locator |
Text |
Page Should Contain Element |
Locator |
{message: NoneType=None, loglevel=TRACE, limit: NoneType=None} |
Verifies that element locator is found on the current page. |
Locator |
Returns the text value of the element identified by locator. |
Input Text |
Locator |
Text, {clear: bool=True} |
Types the given text into the text field identified by locator. |
Selenium Library - Wait Functions
Set Selenium Implicit Wait |
value |
Sets the implicit wait value used by Selenium. |
Selenium Library - Part 2
Close Browser |
Closes the current browser. |
Close All Browsers |
Closes all open browsers and resets the browser cache. |
Maximize Browser Window |
Maximizes current browser window. |
Reload Page |
Simulates user reloading page. |
Go Back |
Simulates the user clicking the back button on their browser. |