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Essay Vocabulary Comp 2 Cheat Sheet by

Essay Vocabulary for Composition 2


The fact of the matter is surely that...
The truth of the matter is simply that...
On balance, we can safely say that...
On reflec­tion, it seems more accurate to say that...
If one weighs the pros and the cons of the case, one soon realizes that...
In the final analys­is...

Introd­uctory remarks

It is generally agreed today that...
In approa­ching this issue, one should...
Nowadays, it is scarcely possible to...
The [ex:bu­siness world] offers us numerous examples of...


The first thing that needs to be said is...
One argument in support of...
We must distin­guish carefully between...
The second reason for...
An important aspect of the problem is...
It is worth stating at this point that...

Balancing views

One should always remember that...
One should, however, not forget that...
We could perhaps go further and ask ourselves whether...


From these facts, one may conclude that...
That is why, in our opinio­n,...
Which seems to confirm the idea that...

Adding elements

Furthe­rmore, one should not forget that...
In addition to...

Accepting other points to certain degree

The decision was a good one. Noneth­ele­ss...
One can agree up to a certain point with...
Certai­nly,... Howeve­r,...
It cannot be denied that...

Introd­ucing examples

Take for example...
To illustrate this point one need only refer to...


(noun) a countless of extremely great number; replaces: a lot
(verb) state a fact or belief confid­ently and forcef­ully; replaces: says
(adjec­tive) outsta­ndingly bad; replaces: bad
(adjec­tive) wrong; replaces: wrong
(verb) to cause or give rise to; replaces: causes
(verb) to make use of; replaces: uses
(adjec­tive) most notable or important; replaces: important

Saying what you think is true

This leads us to believe that...
It is very possible that...
In view of these facts, it is quite likely that...

Introd­ucing facts

It is... true that.../ clear that.../ noticeable that...
One should note here that...


What conclusion can be drawn from this?
The most satisf­actory conclusion that we can come to is...
To sum up.. we are convinced that.../...we believe that.../...we have to accept that...


On the other hand, we can observe that...
The other side of the coin is, however, that...
Another way of looking at this question is to...


Some experts sugges­t,... whereas others...
Compared to...
One the one hand there is the firm belief that... On the other hand, many people are convinced that...

Emphas­ising particular points

The last example highlights that fact that...
Not only... but also...
We would even go so far as to say that...


One cannot deny that...
It is (very) clear from these observ­ations that...

Accepting other points of view

Nevert­heless, one should accept that...
However, we also agree that...


The arguments we have presen­ted... suggests that.../prove that.../would indicate that...
From these arguments one must.../c­oul­d.../m­igh­­nclude that...
All of this points to the conclusion that...

Developing the argument

The first aspect to point out is that...
Let us start by consid­ering the facts.


(verb) think, unders­tand, and form judgments by a process of logic; replaces: thinks
(adjec­tive) providing an advantage; favorable; benefi­cial; replaces: good
(verb) shock or excite (someone), typically into taking action; replaces: motivates
(verb) to make or manufa­cture with skill and careful attention to detail; replaces: makes/­pro­duc­es/­writes
(verb) provide evidence to support or prove the truth of; replaces: proves
(adjec­tive) able to burn or corrode organic tissue by chemical; replaces: mean/harsh
(verb) to make clear; replaces: explain


All the same, it is possible that...
It is difficult to believe that...

Personal Opinions

...believe that
...say that
...suggest that
...are convinced that
...point out that
...emp­hasise that
According to some experts

Modera­ting, agreeing, disagr­eeing

By and large...
Perhaps we should also point out the fact that...
It would be unfair not to mention that fact that...
One must admit that...
One cannot possible accept the fact that...

Ordering elements

If on the one hand it can be said that...the same is not true for...
The first argument suggest that... whilst the second suggest that...


It is often said that...
It is undeniable that...
It is a well-known fact that...
For the great majority of people...
We live in a world in which...
A number of key issues arise from the statement. For one...
One of the most striking features of this problem is...
First of all, let us try to unders­tand...
The public in general tend to believe that...

The other side of the argument

It would also be intere­sting to see...
One should, nevert­heless, consider the problem from another angle.
Equally relevant to the issue are the questions of...


(adjec­tive) very weak or slight; replaces: weak or fragile
(adjec­tive) an action or gesture carried out with a minimum of effort or reflec­tion; replaces: hasty, careless
(noun) out of the ordinary; irregular; something different from the norm; replaces: oddity, abnorm­ality
(noun) piece or component of something larger; aspect of something bigger; replaces: face, side, plane
(noun) an abundance; wide variety; excess; replaces: a lot, tons, a bunch
(adjec­tive) omnipr­esent; widesp­read; everywhere at once; replaces: all over, everyw­here, worldwide


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