Current directory |
Parent directory |
Change directory |
Change to the parent directory |
Go up two directories |
Delete a file |
Delete a directory |
Delete a directory, and all of its content |
Bring up a vagrant vm (build it, if not already built) |
Acquire the command line of the vm |
Stop a vagrant vm |
Remove a particular vm |
To exit from the vm, back to your host |
Review the status of all vms |
git clone {repo} {location}
Clone a remote Git repository |
Fetch updates from a remote repository |
Pull fetched updates into your working repository |
Add all unstaged changes to the stage |
git commit -m "{message}"
Commit all staged changes to the repository, with a message |
Review all changes to the repository |
Diff in an external diff tool |
Push all unsychned commits to a remote repository |
Checkout a particular branch |
Create a new branch |
git branch -u origin {branch}
Create the branch on the remote repository |
List all of the local branches |
Delete (locally) a branch |
git stash save -u "{message}"
Stage all changes (staged & unstaged) |
docker build {Dockerfile}
Build a Docker image, based on the Dockerfile |
docker run {image_name} --name {container_name}
Run a container, based on a Docker image |
docker stop {container_name}
Stop a running container |
docker start {container_name}
Start a stopped container |
docker rm {container_name}
Remove a stopped container |
Remove a Docker image |
See all containers |
Docker Compose
Build all services defined in docker-compose.yml |
Start all services |
Stop all services |
Remove all services |
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