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Moderator Command List Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Essentials Commands

See Private Messages
/realname {Player}
See a Player's Real Name
/whois {Player}
Displays a Player's Money, Real Name, and AFK Status
/nick {Player} {Nick|Off}
Change your display name.
/seen {Player}
Checks when the player was last online
/kick {Player} {Reason}
Kicks a Player off the server
/broadcast {Message}
Broadcast a message to all players
Displays server usage inform­ation
/tempban {Player} {Time}
Temporary bans a specified Player
/home {Playe­r:{­Nam­eOf­Home}}
Go to a Player's Home
/tppos {x} {y} {z}
Teleports you directly to a location
/tp {Player} {To-Pl­ayer}
Teleport a Player to another Player
Hide yourself from other Players
List all jails
/jail {Player} {Time}
Sends a Player to a jail
/unjail {Player}
Unjail a Player
/mute {Player} {Time}
Mutes or un-mutes a specified Player
/invsee {Player}
See the inventory of other Players
/afk {Player}
Sets a Player's status to AFK
/clear­inv­entory {Player}
Clear a Player's inventory


/co help
Display a list of commands
/co inspect
Toggle the inspector
/co near
Performs a lookup with a radius of 5
/co lookup <pa­ram­s>
Advanced block data lookup
list of <pa­ram­s>
u:<­use­r> t:<­tim­e> r:<­rad­ius> a:<­act­ion> b:<­blo­cks> e:<­exc­lud­e>
Specify a user
Specify the amount of time
Specify a radius.
Restrict the lookup to a certain action
Restrict the rollback to certain block types.
Exclude certain block types from the rollback
Add a hashtag to the end of your command to perform additional actions

LWC Commands

/lwc admin forceowner {Player}
Change the owner of a protection
/lwc admin remove
Remove a protection
/lwc admin view
View a protec­tion's owner


/check <pa­ge>
To get a list of all open tickets
/check id <id>
To check out a certain modreq
/claim <id>
To claim a modreq
/tp-id <id>
To teleport to a modreq
/done <id> <me­ssa­ge>
To close a modreq
/re-open <id> <me­ssa­ge>
To re-open a modreq
/ticket setpending <id>
To set a ticket to pending