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Sports Injuries - Upper Limb Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Sports injuries of the Cx and Upper Limb

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Types of Injuries

Muscle Strains
- Pain, Limited Motion, Muscle Spasm & Weakness, Localised Swelling, Cramping, Inflam­mation, Loss of muscle Function
Ligament Sprains
- Pain, Swelling, Bruising, Instab­ility, Loss of Ability of move and use the joint, Pop/Tear at time of the injury
Tendon Disorders
- Tendin­itis, Tendin­osis, Tenosy­novitis

Shoulder Injuries

Disloc­ate­d/S­ubl­uxated AC Joint
Fractured Clavicle
Dislocated Shoulder
Supras­pinatus Tendin­opathy

AC Joint Injuries

- Arthritis - Weight­lifters
- Fractures
- Sprains (with/­without separation and instab­ility)

Elbow Injuries

- Soft Tissue - lateral + medial epi condylitis

Hand Injuries

- Fractures + Disloc­ation of the phalanges + metaca­rpals
- Mallet Finger and Gameke­epe­r/S­kier's thumb

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

- 2 types,
CRPS-I - soft tissue injury­/im­mob­ili­sation with absence of nerve injury
CRPS-II - occurs after an injury to a major peripheral nerve
- Contin­uous, intense pain not related to the injury, gets worse than better over time

Budapest Criteria

- Presence of pain with is not related to the causative event
- Presence of one sign in two or more of the categories listed below
- Presence of at least one symptom in three or more of the categories listed below
- Ruled out other diagnosis


Sensory: Allodynia (light touch, temper­ature, deep somatic pressu­re/­joint movement), and/or hypera­lgesia (pin prick), can have hypere­sthesia
Vasomotor: Temper­ature differ­ences (>1­C)/skin colour changes and or skin colour asymmetry
Sudomo­tor­/oe­dema: Oedema­/sw­eat­ing­/sw­eating asymmetry
Motor/­Tro­phic: Reduction in ROM/motor dysfun­ction (weakness, tremour, dystonia) and/or trophic changes


Patient Centred diagnosis:
Signif­icance of illness to patient
Effect on family and relati­ons­hips, work and income, sexuality, attitude + spirit­uality
Psycho­logical effects - stress, anxiety, abnormal illness behaviour, sleep, depression
Patient centred manage­ment:
Psycho­logical support
Approp­riate reassu­rance
Patient Education
Empowering self respon­sib­ility
Antici­patory guidan­ce/­special hazards
Health Promotion
Lifestyle reccom­end­ati­ons­/mo­dif­ica­tions - diet/n­utr­ition, exercise, alcohol, smoking, stress management
Family and social supports
Self Help groups
Altern­ative options
Consul­tation and referral
Follow- up