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Psoas Tendinopathy Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Psoas tendinopathy , management ,

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


- TVP of L1-L5, lateral surfaces of lx vertebra and interv­ert­ebral discs
- Iliacus - iliac fossa
- Lesser Tronch­antar
- Hip flex and ext rot
- Bursa lies between ilipsoas muscul­ote­ndinous junction and bony pelvis

A clicky Hip

- Consider muscul­ar/­ten­dinous causes if it happens everytime the hip moves
- Tightness of iliopsoas is the usual cause (rubbing of tendon over underlying bony landmarks - anterior capsule of femoral head, lesser trocha­nter, ilioec­tineal eminence and ASIS)
- Painless = asympt­omatic internal snapping hip
- Painful = painful internal snapping hip, internal coxa saltans, iliopsoas tendinits, iliopsoas tendin­osis, iliopsoas tendin­opathy, bursitis, ilipsoas sydnrome
- External snapping hip should be considered too - iliotibial band/glut max tightness - rubs over GT
intraa­rti­cular snapping = loose bodies, labral tears, disloc­ation


- Irritation of tendon by injury (direct or eccentric contra­cti­on)­/re­pet­itive microt­rauma (flex and ext rot)
- Dancers, jumpers, football, running, hurdling, gymnas­tics, rowing suspec­table
- Adoles­cents (growth spurts - inflex­ability of the hip flexors)


- Palpab­le/­audible snapping provoked by flex and ext of the hip
- Deep groin pain radiates to anterior hip/thigh
- Can have altered gait/w­eakness if chronic
- Lower back pain
- Difficulty standing straight


- Hip in flex and ext rot and ant pelvic tilt (can be present in hip effusion - open packed position)
- Gait - shortened stride length and increased knee flexion
- TTP femoral triangle, lesser tronch­anter
- Pain/l­imited PROM hip ext, AROM/RROM discomfort
- +ve Thomas test
- +ve ASLR
- Weakne­ss/pain during ilipsoas strength test - look for patient rotating their body (core weakness)
- Assess for hip abductor weakness, LCS, spinal instab­ilty, dysfun­ctional breathing, foot hyperp­ron­ation


- Colon cancer
- Divert­icu­litis
- Prosta­titis
- Salpin­gitis
- Renal calculi
- Append­icitis
- Psoas abscess
- Tendon avulsion
- Muscle contusion
- Myoten­dinous strain
- Femoral bursitis
- Hip OA
- Lx disc


- Not usually needed unless red flags (bony pathology, f#, avulsion, OA)
- Cause of anterior groin pain from GI, GU systems
- Rule out SCFE if child/­ado­lescent
- US/MRI for bursitis/ iliopsoas tendin­opathy


- Exercise (hip flex & rotators - psoas inhibi­tion, trunk curl, bum walk)
If abductor weakne­ss/­spinal instab­ility consider single leg squats­,mo­nster walks, core streng­htening
- Reassu­rance and education
- Cross friction massage
- Acupun­cture
- Laser therapy
- Ice
- Manipu­lat­ion­/mo­bil­isation - LP and Lx
- STW iliopsoas
- Avoidance of prolonged hip flex (sitting)
- Orthotics for hyperp­ron­ators
- LL inequality
- Steroid injections and Sx if no better