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Glenohumeral Dislocation Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Presentation, Management etc

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


- Can occur anterior, poster­ior­/in­ferior
- Mainly anterior due to less muscular and ligame­ntous support
- Anterior disloc­ations are in 4 types based on resting position of the humeral head
- Subcor­acoid and Subglenoid most common
- Majority of inferior disloc­ations have brachial plexus injury and rotator cuff tears


- Traumatic onset - fall that forces excessive ext rot or abduction
- Acute shoulder pain - patient cradles arm and won't move it
- Bulge of humeral head in anterior disloc­ation
- Muscle spasm over area
- Assess axillary nerve, radial nerve and axillary artery (pulses, capillary refil, peripheral cyanosis, coolness, pallor)


- Ant shoulder disloc­ation
- Indicated for traumatic onsets and first time disloc­ations
- >40 years old and forceful trauma
- Not usually necessary in younger patients with anterior disloc­ation and no neurov­ascular concern


- Reduction , refer to A&E
- Surgery is needed if subcla­vic­ular, intrat­horacic disloc­ation, disloc­ations with associated f# and neurov­ascular compromise
- Sling up to four weeks
- Gentle ROM exercises and streng­thening
- High rate of recurrence