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Theme 1: The Central Economic Problem Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Scarcity, Choice & Resource Allocation & Decision-Making Process of Economic Agents

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

What is Economics

Economics is the study of how human beings making choices to best allocate limited resources among competing uses, to maximise and improve welfare

What is the Central Economic Problem

Scarcity : A situation where limited resources available is insuff­icient to fulfil the unlimited wants of society
Due to scarcity, economic agents have to make choice­s/d­eci­sions

What is opport­unity cost

When making choices, we may have to give up the next best altern­ative
Opport­unity cost refers to the value of the next best altern­ative forgone when making a choice
Note: when asked to calculate opport­unity cost, consider only the next BEST altern­ative and not all the altern­atives available