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Japanese sentences Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Sentence structure for japanese

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

[A] is [B]

[Noun] は [Noun/­Adj­ective] です (de su)

[A] is not [B]

1) [Noun] は [Noun/­Adj­ective] ではありません (de wa a ri ma se n)
* If [B] is a na-adj­ective, remove な

2)[Noun] は [I-adj­ective] くありません
(...ku a ri ma sen)
* Change last い to く

[A] is [B]?

[Noun] は [Noun/­Adj­ective] ですか (de su ka)

Past Tense

1) [Noun] は [Noun/­Na-­Adj­ect­ive]でした
(de shi ta)

2)[Noun] は [Noun/­I-A­dje­cti­ve]­かったです
( katta de su)

Past Tense Negative

1)[Noun] は [Noun/­Na-­Adj­ective]
(de wa a ri ma se n de shi ta)

2) [Noun] は [Noun/­I-A­dje­ctive]
(ku a ri ma se n de shi ta)

(a ri ma se n de shi ta) =
...ではな かったです
(de wa na katta de su)

[A] is doing [B]

[Noun] は [Verb] ます (ma su)

[A] is not doing [B]

[Noun] は [Verb] ません (ma se n)

[A] was doing [B]

[Noun] は [Verb] ました (ma shi ta)

[A] was not doing [B]

[Noun] は [Verb] ませんでした
(... ma se n de shi ta)

[A] is doing [B]?

[Noun] は [Verb] ますか (ma su ka)


[Verb] ましょう (ma sho u)

"I want to..."

[Verb] たいです (ta i de su)

"­Please dont do ...."

[Verb(­nai­-form)] ないでください
(... na i de ku da sa i)

3 Groups of Japanese Verbs

1) Ichi-Dan Verbs: Before
ないです (na i de su) is "­i" or "­e"

2)Go-Dan Verbs: before
ないです(na i de su) is "­a"

3)Irre­gular Verbs:
きます(ki ma su) => to come
します(shi ma su) => to do/ play


Ichi-dan verbs / Irregular verbs"
....ます => .... て
go-dan verbs:

Continuing Action:

[Verb in Te-Form] います

います (i ma su)

(For living things)
やまださん は とうきょう に います
Mr Yamada is in Tokyo

あります (a ri ma su)

For nonliving things
のみもの は れいぞうこ に あります
Drinks are in the refrig­erator.


これ/この(­always connected to noun): this
それ/その(­always connected to noun): that
あれ/あの(­always connected to noun): that (thing is very far from speaker)
こちら そちら あちら: when referring to a person

を(wo/o) particle

を mainly follows the direct object of a verb.
Sometimes follows:
1) the place to perform an action
2)the starting point of an action
3) time spent

と(to) Particle

わたし は ラーメンすし を たべました
i ate ramen and sushi

わたし は ともだち がっこう に いきました
i went to school with my friend

も(mo): also, too

は (wa) can be replaced with も (mo)
を(wo) can also be replaced with も (mo)
* depending on situation the position of も (mo) differs.

で(de) Particle

Place of an Action:
がっこう べんきょうます
i study at school

Means Particle : "by using..."
スプーン ごはん を たべます
i eat rice with a spoon

に(ni) Particle

わたし は ろくじ あさごはん を たべます
I eat breakfast at 6 o'clock

いえ かえります
I will go home

Location: (place of existence)
わたし は がっこう います
I am at school

Dictionary Form

Ichi-Dan Verbs
ます===> (dicti­onary form)
Go-Dan Verbs
い(i) ===> (dicti­onary form