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aws-s3-dva-co2 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

AWS Developer Cert S3

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Infinitely scaling storage service.


Backup and Storage
Disaster Recovery
Data Lake and Analytics
Static Websites

Encryption (at rest)

Server Side Encryption (SSE-)
Only AWS has access to the keys
AES-256 standard
Header: x-amz-­ser­ver­-si­de-­enc­ryp­tio­n:A­ES256
Enabled by default
User managed keys
Gives key control to user + Cloudtrail auditing
Header: x-amz-­ser­ver­-si­de-­enc­ryp­tio­n:a­ws-kms
Can be limited by KMS Limits (quota can be increased)
APIs - generatedatakey
Custom key. Still Server Side
AWS does not keep the key after creation
Key is passed in header https only
Client Side Encryption
Uses the S3 client side encryption library
Client fully manages the encryption cycle


Versioning set at bucket level
If a key is overwritten a new key is created
If versioning is suspended previous versions are not deleted
Prior to versioning the v-id is

Replic­ation Steps

S3 management tab -> Replic­ation Rules


Cross Region Replic­ation
Compli­ance, lower latency access, x-acc replic­ation
Same Region Replic­ation
Prod ->Test replic­ation, log aggreg­ation
Replic­ation can be set for all or some objects
Versioning must be enabled for replic­ation
After versioning only new objects have v-ids
Use 1x batch replic­ation to replicate existing objects first time
objects with version id are not replicated
avoids malicious deletes
Delete Marker replic­ation must be enabled
Replic­ation cannot be chained
e.g. B1->B2­->B3
needs to be set up as:
B1->B2 & B1->B3
cannot do
B1-> B2 / B3

Pre-Signed URLs

Generate using S3console
TTL 1m - 720m
Generate using AWS Cli
TTL default 3600s max 604800s
Users with the url inherit the generating user's permis­sions
Use to give one off access to someone else e.g. temp access to a file


Name must be globally unique
All lower case
Between 3 and 63 characters
Must not be an ip address
Must start with a letter or number
No unders­cores (_)
Prefix restri­ction: xn--
Suffix restri­ction: -s3alias


User based -
IAM policies
Resource Based -
S3 bucket level policies (most common)
Object ACL - fine grained. Can disable
Bucket ACL - can disable
If a bucket should never be public leave All Public Access as blocked
This can be set at the account level

Bucket Policy

Resource Block:
Bucket / object
Allow / Deny
API actions affected by Effect
Account or user to apply policy to
Use bucket policies to ...
Grant public access to a bucket
Force encryption @ upload
Grant access to another account

Lifecycle Rules w/ S3 Analytics

Transition action allows transition to different classes
Expiration action (deletes)
Can specify rules for a prefix or tag
S3 analytics allow to decide best strategy (works on Standard or Standard IA)
Analytics report is updated daily

S3 Event Notifi­cations

Possible to filter on prefix or suffix
Available Events:
Permis­sions -
SNS Resource Access policy
SQS Resource Access policy
Lambda Resource Access policy

S3 EventB­ridge

Add rules to the bridge
Allows access to 18+ services
Advanced filtering
Multiple Destin­ations for notifi­cation
Levarage EventB­ridge capabi­lities

Encryption (in flight)

Use https endpoint to force encryption
Force In-Transit Encyption using bucket policy
Add policy to refuse API calls without encryption headers
effect: DENY
n.b. Bucket policies are evaluated before defaults

MFA Deletes

Adds security around:
Perman­ently delete an object
Suspend versioning
Only bucket owner (root) can enable
Enabled using CLI
> aws s3api put-bu­cke­t-v­ers­ioning <...>
Delete is via cli

Keys (Ident­ifying objects)

An S3 object is identified by its key:
s3://<unique bucket name>/[<p­ref­ixe­s>]/object­-name
Everything in S3 is a key/ob­ject.
There is no concept of direct­ories - these are prefixes

Storage Classes

Standard (STANDARD)
Default storage class. Can use with Intell­igent Tiering to move to STANDA­RD_IA using S3 analytics
S3 Standa­rd-IA (STAND­ARD_IA)
Long-l­ived, infreq­uently accessed data (once a month) with millis­econd access
S3 One Zone-IA (ONEZO­NE_IA)
Lost if AZ is destroyed
Recreatable, infreq­uently accessed data (once a month) with millis­econd access
S3 Express One Zone (EXPRE­SS_­ONE­ZONE)
Single­-digit millis­econd data access for latenc­y-s­ens­itive applic­ations within a single AWS Availa­bility Zone
S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval (GLACI­ER_IR)
Long-l­ived, archive data accessed once a quarter with millis­econd access
S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval (GLACIER)
Long-lived archive data accessed once a year with retrieval times of minutes to hours
S3 Glacier Deep Archive (DEEP_­ARC­HIVE)
Long-lived archive data accessed less than once a year with retrieval times of hours
Standard (12h) Bulk (48h)
Intell­igent Tiering
Data with unknown, changing, or unpred­ictable access patterns
Reduced Redundancy Storage (REDUC­ED_­RED­UND­ANCY) Not recomm­ended
Noncri­tical, frequently accessed data with millis­econd access
Lifecycle Rules used to move objects between classes

Storage Class Config Options

S3 Standa­rd-IA (STAND­ARD_IA)
Per object >=128kb (monit­oring + auto-t­ier­ing))
30 days+ (min. storage)
Per-GB fees (retri­eval)
90 days+
Per-GB fees (retri­eval)
GLACIER (Flexible)
90 days+
Per-GB fees (retri­eval)
180 days+
Per-GB fees (retri­eval)
Minimum billable object size for Standard IA / One Zone IA / Glacier IR

S3 Access Logs

Log actions into a different bucket
Never set monito­red­-bu­cke­t=l­og-­bucket (creates loop + $$$)

s3 Cross Origin Resource Sharing

If x-origin requests are required need correct CORS headers
Can allow for specific files or *
Setting written in json

S3 Access Points
