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Managing Multiple Versions of XCode Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

streamlined info compiled and modified from: 1. 2. Tangentially related, but also of interest: 3.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Install manager
gem install xcode-­install
List available Xcode versions
xcversion list
Install Xcode version
xcversion install 11.3
Activate Xcode version*
xcversion select --symlink 11.3
Uninstall Xcode version
xcversion uninstall 10.3
1. * xcode-­install will recognize an existing Xcode, but it must not be named Xcode or it will conflict during activa­tion; the symlink points to /Appli­cat­ion­s/Xcode - so without this, the path-s­pec­ified Xcode will not change.
2. Active version must match the version of desired depend­encies prior to their instal­lation

Why not just xcode-­select?

xcode-­select is fine, in fact, it's great for many cases. But it doesn't handle the instal­lation or management of multiple Xcodes. Sometimes developers need to quickly add an Xcode or cli-tools, and while https:­//d­eve­lop­er.a­pp­le.c­om­/do­wnl­oad­/more/ - like xcode-­select - is fantastic, it's slow.

using xcversion gives an experience much closer to a package manager, which is what it essent­ially is designed to function as.

More details

List installed Xcode versions
xcversion installed
List active Xcode version
xcversion selected
Select the specified Xcode version
xcversion select N
Install cli tools
xcversion instal­l-c­li-­tools
List available simulators
xcversion simulators
Install simulator
xcversion simulators --inst­all­='iOS 8.4'

Installing fastlane for creden­tials management
