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Evidence for Evolution Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Fossil Records

shows change overtime
fossils can be dated by a variety of methods: age of rock where the fossil is found, rate fo decay of isotopes (carbo­n-14), relati­onship within phylog­enetic trees, mathem­atical calcul­ations from chemical proper­tie­s/g­eog­rap­hical data
if just one fossil turned up wrong, it would disprove evolution

Compar­ative Embryology

similar embryo­logical develo­pment in closely related species

Molecular Biology and Bioche­mistry

measure of common ancestry
comparing DNA and protein structure: universal genetic code (DNA and RNA), cytochrome C (respi­rat­ion), hemoglobin (gas exchange)


related organisms in similar range
geogra­phical distri­bution of species: species living in the same region tend to be more closely related to each other, species which look similar but are from different regions are often not closely related
convergent evolution: evolving similar solutions to similar "­pro­ble­ms"

Compar­ative Anatomy

convergent evolution of struct­ures: similar functions, similar external form, different internal structure and develo­pment, different evolution, no evolut­ionary relati­onship
analogous structure: similar charac­ter­istic but no relati­onship
homologous structure: simila­rities in charac­ter­istics resulting from common ancestry
vestigal organs: modern animals may have structures that serve little or no function but used to for ancestors

Artificial Selection

induced evolution
artificial breeding can use differ­ences between indivi­duals to create vastly different "­bre­eds­" and "­var­iet­ies­"