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Biology 12 Enzymes Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Enzymes Beginning

This is basic defini­tions for enzyme
Is a catalyst basically substance that speeds up a reaction without being consumed
Are proteins are reusable
Work in low concen­tra­tions
Speed up reaction rate
Allow reactions to proceed at lower temper­atures than they would normally occur
Reactants that enzymes act upon is known as substrates
Enzyme work by forming very temporary complex with substrate
This is called enzyme substrate complex
Are large globular proteins
Very specific 3d shapes tertiary structure
They have groves or pockets which contain chemically functional groups
(Relating to above defini­tion) These are called active sites, this is where substrate attaches
What goes into what
If amylase added
Starch ---> Glucose
If lipase added
Lipids ---> Fatty acids and glycerol
If protease added
Proteins ---> Amino Acids

Feedback Inhibition & control of metabolic rate

Feedback inhibition
When concen­tration of final product gets low again there will be less inhibition on the enzymes and the metabolic pathway is reacti­vated
Thyroxin the hormone that controls the metabolic rate of all of the cells in your body, is producde by the hyroid gland in the neck
Thyroid gland is stimulated to release thyroxine by a hormone produced in the pituitary gland called TSA (thyroid stimul­ating hormone)
Enzymes in cell of the pituitary that make TSH are inhibited by thyroxin
Therefore if thyroxin levels are high the pituitary stops producing THS and if thyroxin levels are low the pituitary makes the TSH
Thus metabolic rate of cells in your body are maintained by the feedback inhibition of an enzyme

Metabolism and ATP

Metabolism and ATP
Most cell reactions (Metab­olism) require energy to occur.The energy 'currency' of cells is a molecule called ATP
ATP has 3 phosphates the last two of which are held together by a high energy bond
It takes a lot of energy to make this phosphate bond and energy is released when bond breaks

Lock and Key Model

Lock and Key Model
This model is now incorrect
Enzymes have goove shapes and chemical groups
Groove shapes and chemical groups are in active site
Therfore enzymes can only bond with one specific substrate or reactive
When substrate and enzyme join together the shape of the enzyme changes which makes it more reactive
This is called induced fit not one to one
Why Wrong
Because there can be more than one substrate

Anabolism & Catabolism Metabolism

Anabolism & Catabolism
The active site of an enzyme is not an exact perfect fit to substrate
When substrate attaches to enzyme this causes stress in the substrate which causes
Catabo­lism:Is when substrate to break apart in a hydrolysis reaction molecules into smaller ones
Anabol­ism­:When two substrates to form a bond in a synthesis reaction putting small molecules together to make bigger ones
Anabolism + Catabolism = Metabolism
Metabolism is the constantly occurring chemical reaction that take place in a cell
These chemical reactions occur in organized sequences from reactants to end products with help of enzymes
This organized sequence of reactions is known as a metabolic pathway


Made up of two pieces
Apoenzyme - Protein portion (Inactive)
Co-enzyme - a non-pr­otein porton
When these two pieces join enzyme becomes active
Then substrate will now 'fit' into active site
Coenzymes usually fit into the allosteric site
allosteric site changes the shape of the active site so substrate 'fit'
co-enzymes are often large molecules
co-enzymes usually are things the body can't make on its own
most co-enzymes come from vitamens, which we get from food or supple­ments

Enzyme Action

Enzyme action
Usally heat can be used to speed up chemical reactions
Heat increases the number of collisions that occur between reactants
Excessive heat, however, destroys the tertiary structure of protein denatures it
So heat cannot be used to speed up reactions within living organisms
Enzymes operate by lowering energy of activation needed for reaction to occur
Enzymes act as catalyst and are not consumed in a reaction
This means they can be used over and over again
Factors affecting reaction rates
Concen­tra­tio­n:The amount of enzyme or substrate available to react can affect enzyme activity
The reactions speeds up as substrate increases
It levels out when the enzymes working at the speed (subst­rate)
So to increase reactions rates add enzymes
Reaction speeds up as you increase substrate the enzyme slows down as the enzymes are working at the maximum speed (Satur­ation)
Temper­atu­re:As temp rises reaction rate will increase cuz enzymes and substrates bump into each other more often (kinetic molecular theory)
The rate of these collisions will be at the fastest rate this is optimum temper­ature
If you get above the optimum temper­ature the enzyme becomes denatured (Changes shape) no longer functions properly
Most enzymes have an optimal temper­ature of 37C (Body temper­ature)
PH:3D shape of an enzyme can be affected by PH.
All enzymes have an optimal pG to work at depending on where they are in the body
Saliva pH 7
Stomach pH 2.5
Intestines pH 8.5
Vagina pH 3.8-4.0
When pH is too low the positive hydrogen ion with negative r group in protein and tear them away
The denatures the enzyme by changing its shape
When pH is too high the negative hydroxide interact with the positive r groups in protein and tear them away
This denatures the enzyme by changing its shape
Inhibi­tor­s:C­hem­icals that interfere with the enzyme action
Two types of Inhibitors
Compet­itive inhibitors
Are chemicals that so closely resemble an enzymes normal substrate that it can attach to the enzymes active site.
The substrate and inhibitor compete
If the inhibitor occupies the active site of enzyme substrate will not be able to join and no product will from that enzyme
If inhibitor is removed the enzyme will become active again
Non-Co­mpe­titive inhibitors
Atoms or molecules that attach to an enzyme at an allosteric site this denatures the enzyme
Will sometimes destroy an enzyme by perman­ently binding to the allosteric site
examples are:heavy metals, lead in nervous system
Other type of Non-Co­mpe­titive inhibitor
Inhibition is when a metabolic product can feedback on a metabolic pathway to control how much product is made
Final product can tempor­arily attach to the allosteric site on the first enzyme
Enzyme will be denatu­reated and the reaction will stop