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VETS1022 Mr. Nha Glands and Secretion Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

More histology of epithelial cells (glands)

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

SECRETION Introd­uction

3 distinct cellular activi­ties:
- Uptake of extrac­ellular fluid
- Processing of these within the cells --> Produce a more complex product
- Active release of these product
Different from EXCRETION, the passive release of waste products

Introd­uction (cont.)

2 functional types of glands:
- Release secretory products onto epithelial surface via a duct
-No ducts connecting to epithelial surface
- Secrete products into blood or lymph (Product is Hormones)
Ex: salivary, sweat glands
Ex: pancreas, thyroid gland

Methods of secretion

tuyến toàn vẹn
Tuyến bán hủy
Tuyến toàn hủy
- Exocytosis of vesicles
- Vesicles accumulate at apical portion
- Secretory products accumulate and the cell ruptures
- Most common form of secretion
--> mass of cytoplasm and vesicles are pinched off
--> Death of cell
- Ex: Sweat glands, salivary glands
Ex: mammary gland, some sweat glands
Ex: Sebaceous glands

Glandular Structure

Goblet cells:
Found in: digestive and respir­atory tracts
--> Secretes mucin -> Mucous
Most glands

Unicel­lular Exocrine Gland

Goblet cell
- Amongst columnar walls of epithelium
- Found in: respir­ato­ry/­dig­estive tracts
-Extended apical portion (theca) contains mucigen droplet
- Released by melocrine(toàn vẹn) secretion
--> Mucigen + H20 = Mucous
- Basal nucleus

Multic­ellular Exocrine Glands

- Secreted onto epi surface via ducts
- The deeper cells within CT is secretory
- Secretion is discharged from secretory cells, into the duct, onto epi surface

Classi­fic­ation of Multi Exo Glands

Classified by:
Secretory End Pieces:
- Simple: single, unbranched duct (may be uncoiled)
- Tubular: glandular cells form tubes
- Simple branched: 2 or more secretory areas dump into a single duct
- Alveolar: rounded cluster of cells
- Compound: branched duct system
- Tubulo­alv­eolar: contain some tubula­r/a­lveolar units as well

Classi­fic­ation of Multi Exo Glands (cont.)

Nature of Secretory Product

Exocrine can be described based on nature of Secretory products:
- Mucous glands: thick, sticky, glycop­roteins
- Serous glands: watery, contains enzyme
- Mixed: contains more than 1 cell type --> secrete both Serous and Mucous

Control of Exocrine Secretion

- Most glands secrete at low level contin­uously
- Rate modulated by: hormones, autonomic innerv­ation, or both
- In glands with alveoli --> contra­ctile myoepi­thelial cells contract to squeeze secretion into ducts


- Lost connection with epi surface
- Secrete products directly into blood or lymph
- Well vascul­arised
- Secretions are hormones: proteins, steroids
- Adapted for storing and releasing when required
- Often form cords or clumps

Thyroid gland

Endocrine cells are arranged into follicles surrou­nding a mass of secretory product (since it stores the product extrac­ell­ularly) (colloid, thyrog­lob­ulin)