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DHCP_Cheatsheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

NVSU Cheatsheet - DHCPv4 and DHCPv6

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

DHCPv4 Config

exclude address from DHCP pool
ip dhcp exclud­ed-­address [IP] [IP]
create DHCP pool
ip dhcp pool [NAME]
Pool Config; network address
network [IP] [SNM]
Pool Config; Default Router
defaul­t-r­outer [IP]
Pool Config; DNS Server
dns-server [IP]
Relay Agent Config (on inerface)
ip helper­-ad­dress [IP
activate DHCP (on interface)
ip address dhcp

DHCPv6 Config

create DHCP pool
ipv6 dhcp pool [NAME]
Pool Config; set network
address prefix [IP/SNM]
Pool Config; DNS Server
dns-server [IP]
Pool Config; Domain Name
domain­-name [NAME]
Provide a config flag (on interface)
ipv6 nd [other­/ma­nag­ed]­-co­nfi­g-flag
Set created pool as resource (on interface)
ipv6 dhcp server [NAME]
Relay agent (on interface)
ipv6 dhcp relay destin­ation [IP] [INT]

IPv6 Commands not working

falls bei 'show sdm prefer' nur "­def­aul­t" steht, muss die IPv6 Unters­tützung so aktiviert werden
sdm prefer dual-i­pv4­-an­d-ipv6 default
do reload


Verify that the IP was received from DHCP
show ip interface brief
Verify DHCP bindings
show ip dhcp binding
Verify DHCP pool details
show ip dhcp pool
Examine DHCP messages
show ip dhcp server statistics
Acquire a new IP
ipconfig /renew(6)
Release an IP
ipconfig /relea­se(6)
Verify by pinging other devices
ping [IP]