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Medication Administration Pharmacology Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Constant System Analysis

Ensuring a "­Double Check"
Involves the physician, nurse, nursing unit, and pharmacy department
Requires educating the patient
Includes the entire "­sys­tem­" of medication admini­str­ation
System: Ordering, Dispen­sing, Preparing, Admini­ste­ring, Docume­nting

Medication Admini­str­ation 7 Rights

The Right...
Confirm that the dose is approp­riate for the patient's age, size, lab results, vitals, and check the prescribed dose against what it is stock. Recheck all math calcul­ations and be mindful of decimal points and zeros (ex. 2.0mg can be seem as 20mg, so 2mg is more accept­able).
Nurses are respon­sible for checking all medication orders and prescr­ipt­ions. Do not pre-pour medica­tions or sign off for other nurses. Check the medication label against the order three times. Check the right drug, drug name, and drug expiry date
30 minute rule. Also consider the drug dose schedule, is it acceptable for the patient to adhere to? The standard is to use military time. Avoid using abbrev­iations (ex.prn)
Never assume the route, a drug order must contain the route. Ask.
Always ask the patient for their name, check the wristband. Babies and mothers have wristbands with identical numbers. The patient's room number is not an acceptable identi­fier.
self explan­atory
date and time of medication admini­str­ation, name of medica­tion, dose, route, and site of admini­str­ation. Docume­ntation must also reflect any improv­ement in the patient's condition, symptoms, or disease process as well as whether there has been no change or a lack of improv­ement. Report also if drug is not admini­stered and why and what actions have been taken.

Med.Ad­min­ist­ration 6 Elements of Drug Order

Patient's Name
Name, Address, Personal Health Number or ID
Date order is written
Name of Medication
Amount, Frequency, Number of doses
Route of Admini­str­ation
Signature of prescriber
Other essential components
- Rx Symbol
- Dispensing instru­ctions for the pharmacist
- Directions for admini­str­ation to be given to the patient
- Number of refills