Read/Write and Inspection
Read/Write |
df = pd.read_excel('file.xlsx')
Read file (CSV, Excel, JSON, HTML, SQL) |
Write file |
Inspection |
View first/last rows |
Gives dimensions |
Shows types in each column (int, str etc) |
Lists: (range of index, list of all columns, no. non null, data types, memory usage) |
Lists: (count, mean, std deviation, min, 25%, 50%, 75%, max) |
Functionality |
vs df['column']
1st filters dataframe, 2nd creates list of booleans |
df[df[x] > y & df[df[a] > v
& combines filters |
df[df.apply(lamba row: row['col1'] * 2 > row['col2'], axis=0)
Filter by function. Axis=0 for columns, 1 for rows. |
Reset indexs for filter |
Rows and Columns |
df[['column1', 'column2']]
Filter by columns |
Filter by row (2nd - 6th) |
Filters rows based on boolean |
df[df['column'].isin([value1, value2])
Filter rows based on list of values |
df.query('age > @min_age')
Filter rows based on query string, @ points to variable 'and' to combine |
df.loc[df['column'] > value, 'column_name']
Filters rows and columns |
Dropping and replacing |
df.drop(columns=['column1', 'column2'])' or '{{lang-python}}df.drop(['unnecessary_column'], axis=1, inplace=True)
Drop columns |
Drop duplicate rows from specific columns |
Removes rows with missing values/non-missing values |
df.mask/.where(df['column'] > value)
Replaces rows not meeting/meeting condition with NaN |
String |
Fitler where string column contains substring |
: Start with 'abc'; abc$
: End with 'abc'; a|b:
'a' or 'b'; abc+
: 'abc' followed by 1+ 'c's; abc*
: 'ab' followed by 0+ 'c's; abc?
: 'ab' followed by 0 or 1 'c'; [abc]
: Any one of 'a', 'b', or 'c' |
Data Manipulation
Editing data |
df['new_column'] = new_values
Assign/create new values for column |
Multiply (/=, -= , +=) each entry in a column by a value. |
df.fillna(value or method)
Fill Nan values |
df['column'].replace(to_replace, value)
Replace values |
Rolling aggregate |
Updates values from other df |
Converts data type |
np.where(df['column']> value, 'Value=True', 'Value=False')
Create array based on new conditions |
df['column'].apply(lambda/function name))
Apply functions to selection |
df.rename(columns={'old_name': 'new_name'})
Rename columns |
Combining data |
pd.merge(df1,df2, on='common column', how='inner')
or pd.merge(df1, df2, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='outer')
Merges two dfs based on a common column. 'inner' requires both df to have all columns filled vs 'outer, 'left' vs 'right' to filter for columns of either df |
Concatenate (combines all values) |
Create a dictionary from a list to map keys and values to each other |
Group by
grouped = df.groupby(['Store', 'Product']).agg(Total_Sales=('Sales','sum) Average_Cost=('Cost', 'mean'), Sales_Count=('Sales', 'count'))
filtered_grouped = grouped[grouped['Total_Sales'] > 500]
Aggregations: sum; mean; median; min; max; count; size; std
(standard deviation) ; var
(variance) ; first; last; prod
or product; nunique
(number of unique values)
pivoted_df = df.pivot(index='Date', columns='Variable', values='Value')
pivot_table_df = df.pivot_table(index='Date', columns='Variable', values='Value', aggfunc='sum')
values (optional): Columns whose data will be aggregated.
index: Columns used as index.
columns (optional): Columns to pivot into new DataFrame's columns.
aggfunc: Aggregation function for values.
pivot_table: aggregates duplicates
melted_df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['id_column'], var_name='variable_name', value_name='value_name')
id_vars (optional): Columns to keep unchanged. Otherwise default melted
value_vars (optional): Columns to melt.
var_name (optional): Melted column name. Default is 'variable'.
value_name (optional): Melted values column name. Default is 'value'.
col_level (optional): Multi-index level
stacked_df = df.stack(level=-1, dropna=True)
Level: The level(s) of the column labels you want to stack. The default is the last level.
Dropna: Whether to drop rows in the resulting DataFrame with missing values. Default is True.
Time Operations
Converts a column to datetime format |
Returns the current date and time |
Extracts the date/time from a datetime column |
datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, format)
Useful for strings with words and dates, or including hours/minutes, or multiple dates types in one column (requires try except function) |
Open pyxl
Read/Write |
workbook[sheetname] or
Sheet selection |
Cell Formats |
cell.font = Font(size=12)
Font |
cell.number_format = '0.00%'
Cell formats |
Alignment(horizontal="center"); Border(left=Side(border_style="thin", color="000000"); PatternFill("solid", fgColor="DDDDDD")
More cell options |
Comment('Text', 'Author')
Cell Comments, can change comment.width/height too. |
Merge/Unmerge |
cell.hyperlink = ''
Hyperlinks |
ColorScaleRule(start_type="min", start_color="FFFFFF", end_type="max", end_color="FF0000") ws.conditional_formatting.add("A1:A9", rule)
Conditional Formatting |
DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"Item1,Item2,Item3"', showDropDown=True) ws.add_data_validation(dv)
Data validation |
Charts |
chart = BarChart(), = 13, sheet.add_chart(chart)
Create, style, then add chart to sheet |
Image('path/to/image'), sheet.add_image(img, 'A1')
Add images, better for mathplot or other libraries |
cell.value = '=SUM(A1:A10)'
Write formulas |
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