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Hindi Grammar - Samas Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

All Grammar topics of Hindi (COURSE - B) Grade 10 CBSE.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Types of Samas

The word samas means compound. There are 6 types of Samas to begin with.
ATBDDK - Avyayi­bhav, Tathpu­rush, Bahuvrihi, Dvandv, Dvigu and Karmdh­aray.

Avyayibhav samas

-The first word is important.
-aajanm - janm se lekar
-dinou­din-din hi din me
-nissa­nde­h-s­andeh ke bina
-nidar-dar rahith
-yatha­sam­bha­v-jaisa sambhav ho
-saada­r-aadar rahith
-bemat­hla­b-m­atlab ke bina

Avyayibhav samas

-The first word is important.
-aajanm - janm se lekar
-dinou­din-din hi din me
-nissa­nde­h-s­andeh ke bina
-nidar-dar rahith
-yatha­sam­bha­v-jaisa sambhav ho
-saada­r-aadar rahith
-bemat­hla­b-m­atlab ke bina