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Vim normal mode Cheat Sheet by

Vim normal mode shortcuts

Left/right motions

Nh = Left N = Number of chars to move
Nl = Right N = Number of chars to move
0 = First char in line
^ = First non blank char in ine
g0 = To first character in screen line
g^ = To first non-blank character in screen line
g$ = To last character in screen line
Nf{char} = To the Nth occurrence of {char} to the right
NF{char} = To the Nth occurrence of {char} to the left
Nt{char} = Till before the Nth occurrence of {char} to the right
NT{char} = Till before the Nth occurrence of {char} to the left

Up/down motions

Nk = Up N lines
Nj = Down N lines
N- = Up N lines, on the first non-blank character
N+ = Down N lines, on the first non-blank character
G = Goto line N (default: last line), on the first non-blank character
Ngg = Goto line N (default: first line), on the first non-blank character
Ngk = Up N screen lines
Ngj = Down N screen lines

Text object motions

Nw = Number of word/s forward
NW = Number of blank-­sep­arated word/s forward
Ne = Forward to the end of the Nth word/s
NE = Forward to the end of the Nth blank-­sep­arated word/s
Nb = N word/s backward
NB = N blank-­sep­arated word/s backward
Nge = backward to the end of the Nth word/s
NgE = Backward to the end of the Nth blank-­sep­arated word/s
N) = N sentences forward
N( = N sentences backward
N} = N paragraphs forward
N{ = N paragraphs backward

Pattern searches

N/{pat­ter­n}/­{of­fset} <En­ter> = Search forward for the Nth occurrence of {pattern} from {offset}
N?{pat­ter­n}?­{of­fset} <En­ter> = Search backward for the Nth occurrence of {pattern} from {offset}
N/ <En­ter> = Repeat last search, in the forward direction to Nth occurrence
N? <En­ter> = Repeat last search, in the backward direction to Nth occurrence
n = Repeat last search
N = Repeat last search in opposite direction
N* = Search forward for the identifier under the cursor to Nth occurrence
N# = Search backward for the identifier under the cursor to Nth occurrence
Ng = Like "", but also find partial matches
Ng# = Like "­#", but also find partial matches

Search pattern special chars

magic = "." non-magic = "­\." = Matches any single character
^ = Matches start of line
\< = Matches start of word
\> = Matches end of word
magic = "­[a-­z]" non-magic = " \[a-z]­" = Matches a single char from the range
magic = "[a-z]" non-magic = " \[a-z]" = Matches a single char not in the range


m{a-zA-Z} = Mark current position with mark {a-zA-Z}
`{a-z} = Go to mark {a-z} within current file
`{A-Z} = Go to mark {A-Z} in any file
`{0-9} = Go to the position where Vim was previously exited
`` = Go to the position before the last jump
`" = Go to the position when last editing this file
`[ = Go to the start of the previously operated or put text
`] = Go to the end of the previously operated or put text
`< = Go to the start of the (previous) Visual area
`> = Go to the end of the (previous) Visual area
`. = Go to the position of the last change in this file
:marks = Print the active marks
N<C­trl­-O> = Go to Nth older position in jump list
N<C­trl­-I> = Go to Nth newer position in jump list
:ju = Print the jump list

Inserting text

Na = Append text after the cursor (N times)
NA = Append text at the end of the line (N times)
Ni = Insert text before the cursor (N times)
NI = Insert text before the first non-blank in the line
NgI = Insert text in column 1 (N times)
No = Open a new line below the current line, append text (N times)
NO = Open a new line above the current line, append text (N times)

Deleting text

Nx = Delete N characters under and after the cursor
NX = Delete N characters before the cursor
Nd{motion} = Delete the text that is moved over with {motion}
Ndd = Delete N lines
ND = Delete to the end of the line (and N-1 more lines)
NJ = Join N-1 lines (delete <EO­L>s)
NgJ = Like "­J", but without inserting spaces

Copying and moving text

"­{char} = Use register {char} for the next delete, yank, or put
Ny{motion} = yank the text moved over with {motion} into a register
Nyy = Yank N lines into a register
NY = Yank N lines into a register
Np = Put a register after the cursor position (N times)
NP = Put a register before the cursor position (N times)
N]p = Like p, but adjust indent to current line
N[P = Like P, but adjust indent to current line
Ngp = Like p, but leave cursor after the new text
NgP = Like P, but leave cursor after the new text

Changing text

Nr{char} = Replace N characters with {char}
Ngr{char} = Replace N characters without affecting layout
NR = Enter Replace mode (repeat the entered text N times)
NgR = Enter virtual Replace mode: Like Replace mode but without affecting layout
c{motion} = Change the text that is moved over with {motion}
Ncc = Change N lines
NS = Change N lines
NC = Change to the end of the line (and N-1 more lines)
Ns = Change N characters
N~ = Switch case for N characters and advance cursor
g~{motion} = Switch case for the text that is moved over with
gu{motion} = Make the text that is moved over with {motion} lowercase
gU{motion} = Make the text that is moved over with {motion} uppercase
N<C­trl­-A> = Add N to the number at or after the cursor
N<C­trl­-X> = Subtract N from the number at or after the cursor


N. = Repeat last change (with count replaced with N)
q{a-z} = Record typed characters into register {a-z}
q{A-Z} = Record typed charac­ters, appended to register {a-z}
q = Stop recording
N@{a-z} = Execute the contents of register {a-z} (N times)
Ngs = Goto Sleep for N seconds


Nu = Undo last N changes
N<C­trl­-R> = Redo last N undone changes
U = Restore last changed line


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