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Nepal Monetary Policy 2077/78 (2020/21) Cheat Sheet by

Monetary Policy 2077/78 (2020/21)

Current Economic Situation

Gross Domestic Savings (% of GDP)
Gross National Savings
GDP/Total Fixed Capital
GDP/Total Capital Formation
Trade Deficit

Banking Sector Situation

Deposit growth
Credit Growth
Capital Adequacy Ratio
13.4 %
Paidup Capital growth
Non Performing Loan (NPL)


GDP Growth
FOREX reserves sufficient for
7 months
The nominal GDP has been taken as the basis for monetary projec­tion. Given this, the limit for the growth of broad money (M2) has been set at 18%. Further, 20% limit has been set for private sector lending

Operating Target and Instrument

Repo rate
SLF (upper bound of IRC)
Deposit Collection Rate (lower bound of IRC)
Bank rate (LOLR)

Agricu­lture Credit

Class-A required to provide minimum 15% of total Credit in agricu­ltural sector
Loan loss provision of 0.2% and 0.6% to be provided respec­tively in 1st year and 2nd year for loans provided for farming prescribed fruits.
Relaxation in loan loss provision for loans in silk, jute and cotton farming sector
Agricu­ltural Develo­pment Bank Limited (ADBL) will be promoted as the Lead Bank
to facilitate credit in agricu­lture sector

Payment System

Establ­ishment of National Payment Switch
License of the PSPs that fail to make at least 3,00,000 customers and at least 6,00,000 monthly average transa­ctions by Shrawan may be revoked.

Corporate Governance and Others

The remune­ration and facilities of officers of BFIs shall be reviewed
Class A,B,C,D can charge service fee up to a maximum of 0.75%, 1%, 1.25% and 1.5%, respec­tively during sancti­oning of loan
No penalty interest, fee or compen­sation from the customer if the payment period of capital or interest is extended due to Covid-19
Waive off any charges for using the ATM Card of one BFI at the ATM of another

Tourism Sector Credit

Priority in providing working capital loan, conces­sional loan and refinance to the tourism related businesses hit by the COVID-19.
Class-A to extend at min.15% of total loans to micro, small and medium enterp­rises (MSMEs) with loan limit up to Rs. 10 million

Energy Sector Credit

Class-A to provide min. 10% of total Credit in Energy Sector
Class-A having specia­liz­ation in energy sector lending will be permitted to issue 'Energy Bond'
BFIs to extend credit at base rate +1% for a period up to 5yrs to exporting hydropower projects and reserv­oir­-based hydropower projects


Credit limit for business projects with acceptable collateral low-income indivi­duals will be extended to Rs. 1.5 million
The max. interest rate on MFIs Credit = 15%
No more thatn 0.5% service fee sector lending

Regulation and Superv­ision

CCD Ratio : 85%
BFIs can distribute cash dividend to the extent of 30% of net distri­butable profit
No Loan loss and risk weight for the loans disbursed in infras­tru­cture related projects.
Counte­rcy­clical buffer has been suspended.
Risk weight placed on operating, market and overall risks set to 3%, 1% and 3%

Financial Sector Consol­idation

Class-A to be given incentives if they start merger and acquis­ition process by Asar, 2078: CRR waived by 0.5%, SLR by 1%


Class-­B&C to disburse min. 20% & 15% loan to agricu­lture, MSMEs, energy and tourism
Loan to Value (LTV) will be set at 60% for the housing projects that are licensed by the GoN
LTV ratio (KTM Valley) =40% and LTV ratio (Outside Valley) =50%

Morato­rium, Loan Restru­cturing and Resche­duling

Working capital loans due in Asar can be renewed by Poush
Defer the instal­lment and interest payment of loans for
relatively less up to Poush
relatively more up to Chaitra
most affected up to Asar, 2078
BFIs can restru­cture and reschedule loans, which were in performing category in Poush
Extending grace period to those industries hit by COVID-19 (2yrs for touris­t-s­tandard hotels, 1 year for the hard-hit sectors, 9 months for the moderately affected sectors and 6 months for relatively less affected sectors. )
MFIs can extend the time for loan instal­lment payment due as of Asar by maximum 6 months

Foreign Exchange Management

The Limit of Foreign Money Exchange during import as per provisions related to DAP and DAA shall be kept at 50,000 USD
The limit of Foreign Money Exchange during import from third country via draft or TT 35,000 USD
The period of the LC for the import: 180 days.
The due date of issuance of advance payment certif­icate : 4 months


Refinance facilities up to 5 times of the available fund
Special refinance for export and sick industry at 1% (Max. Rs. 50 million)
MSME refinance at 2% (Max. Rs. 1.5 million)
General refinance at 3% (Max. Rs. 200 million)


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