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Questions Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cobit Questions Cheat Sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Which of the following is TRUE about COBIT?
COBIT addresses governance issues by grouping relevant governance components into governance and management objectives that can be managed to the required capability levels.
Which of the following is the goal of inform­­ation and technology govern­­ance?
Benefits of inform­­ation and technology governance are : benefits realiz­­ation, risk optimi­­zation and resource optimi­­zation
Who is respon­­sible of planning, building, running and monitoring activi­­ties, in alignment with the direction set by the governance body, to achieve enterprise object­­ives.
Executive Management
Which stakeh­older is respon­sible for providing insights on how to get value from the use of I&T?
The MOST important benefit external stakeh­olders gain from COBIT?
Is to ensure their operations are secure, reliable and compliant with applicable rules and regula­tions
Which benefits can the board of an enterprise gain from COBIT?
Insights on how to get value from the use of I&T and explains relevant board respon­sib­ili­ties.
A governance framework should be based on a conceptual model in order to?
Maximize consis­­tency and allow automation
Which component produces a set of outputs that support achiev­ement of overall IT-related goals?
Which of the following components of the governance system is the MOST pervasive throughout any organi­zation?
A governance or management objective always relates to?
One process (with an identical or similar name)
Which process domain is the MOST suitable for skills such as risk and resource optimi­zation?
Evaluate, Direct and Monitor (EDM)
Generic or variant elements that aid the alignment of the framework to the organi­zat­ion’s needs are called?
Quality of techno­log­y-r­elated financial inform­ation
Alignment goal is measured by percent of I&T services with defined and approved operat­ional costs and expected benefits
Where is the desire to change of executive management outlined?
Business case
What BEST helps ensure that the project’s benefits are identified and contin­ually monitored?
Business case
One of the MOST frequent causes of failure of a governance system is not implem­enting it as a?
When an enterprise identifies the most relevant enterprise goal(s) from the enterprise goal list and applies the goals cascade, this will lead to?
A selection of priority management object­ives.
Compliance with external laws and regula­tions is an example of?
Enterprise Goals
Which of the following is an operation principle for organi­zat­ional struct­ures?
Meeting report­/mi­nutes are meaningful
Elimin­ating IT initia­tives and assets that are creating sufficient value is part of?
Benefit realiz­ation
Which of the following management objectives povide a holistic view of the current business and I&T enviro­nment?
Managed Strategy
What is built from a number of components that can be of different types and that work together in a holistic way?
A governance system for enterprise I&T
“Monit­oring perfor­mance and compliance against agreed-on direction and object­ives” is an activity of which discip­line?
Which of the following allows COBIT to be tailored for better alignment with the entreprise needs and context?
Design Factors
Within the COBIT organi­zat­ional structures component, which role is ultimately answerable for the correct and thorough completion of the delive­rable or task?
How does COBIT address governance issues?
by grouping relevant governance components into governance and management objectives that can be managed to the required capability levels.
Which of the following would be an approp­riate metric associated with an enterprise goal of "­Bus­iness service continuity and availa­bil­ity­"?
-Number of customer service or business process interr­uptions causing signif­icant incidents -Business cost of incidents -Number of business processing hours lost due to unplanned service interr­uptions -Percent of complaints as a function of committed service- availa­bility targets
Which of the following focuses on the preser­vation of value?
Risk Management
Which stakeh­older COBIT helps to understand how best to exploit new technology for new strategic opport­uni­ties?
Business Managers
Which component of governance system is required for good decisions, execution of corrective actions and successful completion of all activi­ties?
People, skills and compet­encies

Cobit Components

Inform­­ation flow and items
Inputs and outputs are defined in the inform­ation flow and items of the COBIT Core Model.
People, skills and compet­encies
are required for good decisions, execution of corrective action and successful completion of all activi­ties.

Cobit Domain

Align, Plan and Organize (APO)
addresses the overall organi­zation, strategy and supporting activities for I&T.