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US Civil Rights Movement Lecture Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

US Civil Rights Movement Lecture Notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Compre­hensive Overview

The U.S. Civil Rights Movement was a pivotal period in American history, encomp­assing a broad range of social, political, and legal struggles aimed at ending racial segreg­ation and discri­min­ation against African Americans. Spanning from the mid-20th century to the early 1970s, this movement achieved signif­icant legisl­ative and societal changes, reshaping the American landscape. This lecture will provide a compre­hensive examin­ation of the movement, including its origins, major events, key figures, and lasting impact.

Historical Context and Background

Pre-Civil Rights Era: Racial Inequality and Segreg­ation
Post-R­eco­nst­ruction Era (1877-­1950s): After the end of Recons­tru­ction, Southern states implem­ented Jim Crow laws that enforced racial segreg­ation and disenf­ran­chised African Americans. This era saw the establ­ishment of a racial caste system with legalized segreg­ation in public facili­ties, education, and transp­ort­ation.
Economic Dispar­ities: African Americans faced severe economic disadv­ant­ages, including limited access to quality education and well-p­aying jobs. Many worked as sharec­roppers or laborers with little economic mobility.
The Role of World War II
Military Service and the Double V Campaign: African Americans served in large numbers during World War II, contri­buting to the Double V Campaign, which sought victory over fascism abroad and racial injustice at home. This campaign highli­ghted the contra­dic­tions between fighting for freedom overseas while enduring oppression domest­ically.
The Great Migration: The war years accele­rated the Great Migration, as African Americans moved from the rural South to industrial cities in the North and West in search of better opport­unities and to escape Jim Crow laws.

Early Movements and Organi­zations

The NAACP and Legal Challenges
Founding and Object­ives: The National Associ­ation for the Advanc­ement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909 to combat racial discri­min­ation and promote civil rights through legal challe­nges, advocacy, and public education.
Major Legal Victories: Landmark cases such as Brown v. Board of Education (1954), which declared racial segreg­ation in public schools uncons­tit­uti­onal, were pivotal achiev­ements of the NAACP's legal strategy.
The Role of Religious Instit­utions
Churches as Centers of Activism: African American churches, partic­ularly the Southern Baptist Church, played a central role in the Civil Rights Movement. Leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. used the church as a base for organizing protests and advocating for civil rights.
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC): Founded in 1957 by Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders, the SCLC aimed to harness the moral authority and organizing power of black churches to address civil rights issues.
The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Founding and Focus: Establ­ished in 1942, CORE was dedicated to nonviolent direct action to challenge racial segreg­ation and discri­min­ation. CORE organized early sit-ins and freedom rides, which became signif­icant tactics in the broader movement.

Major Campaigns and Milestones

The Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-­1956)
Catalyst: The boycott began after Rosa Parks, an African American woman, was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man. Her arrest galvanized the African American community.
Impact: The boycott lasted for over a year and led to a Supreme Court ruling that declared segreg­ation on public buses uncons­tit­uti­onal. This was a signif­icant victory and helped elevate Martin Luther King Jr. as a prominent leader of the movement.
The Freedom Rides (1961)
Purpose and Execution: Organized by CORE and the Student Nonviolent Coordi­nating Committee (SNCC), the Freedom Rides aimed to challenge segreg­ation in interstate bus terminals across the South. Riders faced violent attacks and arrests.
Federal Response: The violent reactions to the Freedom Rides drew national attention and led to federal interv­ention, which helped to enforce desegr­egation laws in bus terminals.
The March on Washington (1963)
Event and Signif­icance: Held on August 28, 1963, this massive rally brought together over 250,000 people to demand jobs and freedom. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech became an iconic moment in the movement.
Legisl­ative Impact: The march exerted signif­icant pressure on Congress and the Kennedy admini­str­ation, contri­buting to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
Content and Passage: This landmark legisl­ation, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, outlawed discri­min­ation based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It ended segreg­ation in public places and provided for equal employment opport­uni­ties.
Implem­ent­ation and Challe­nges: While the Act was a major victory, its implem­ent­ation faced resist­ance, especially in the South, and continued to require ongoing activism and legal battles.

The Shift to More Radical Approaches

The Rise of Black Power
Origins and Philos­ophy: The Black Power movement, associated with leaders like Stokely Carmichael and organi­zations like the Black Panther Party, emphasized racial pride, economic self-s­uff­ici­ency, and resistance to systemic oppres­sion.
Impact and Contro­versy: While the movement sought to address the failures of more moderate approa­ches, it also faced criticism from both within and outside the African American community for its militancy and separa­tism.
The Black Panther Party (1966)
Formation and Goals: Founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, the Black Panther Party advocated for armed self-d­efense against police brutality and sought to address systemic injustices through community programs.
Survei­llance and Suppre­ssion: The FBI targeted the Black Panther Party as part of its COINTELPRO program, which aimed to undermine and discredit radical groups. The Party faced signif­icant legal and violent repres­sion.
The Urban Riots of the 1960s
Causes and Effects: The Watts Riots (1965) and the Detroit Riots (1967) were among several urban uprisings that erupted in response to police brutality, economic inequa­lity, and racial discri­min­ation. These riots highli­ghted the frustr­ation and anger over the slow pace of change and the persis­tence of systemic issues.
Government Response: In response to the riots, the Kerner Commission (1968) was establ­ished to invest­igate the causes of the unrest. The commis­sion's report pointed to deep-s­eated racial and economic inequa­lities as primary factors.

Key Figures and Their Contri­butions

Martin Luther King Jr.
Leadership and Philos­ophy: King, a Baptist minister, became the most prominent leader of the Civil Rights Movement, advocating for nonviolent resistance and civil disobe­dience. His leadership was crucial in organizing major campaigns and shaping public opinion.
Legacy: King’s assass­ination in 1968 was a signif­icant loss for the movement, but his legacy of nonvio­lence and his contri­butions to civil rights were widely recognized and honored.
Malcolm X
Early Life and Philos­ophy: Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little, initially embraced a philosophy of black nation­alism and self-d­efense through the Nation of Islam. His rhetoric was often more radical compared to other civil rights leaders.
Evolution and Impact: After leaving the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X's views evolved to embrace a more inclusive struggle for human rights. His assass­ination in 1965 was a blow to his growing influence and the movement as a whole.
Rosa Parks
The Montgomery Bus Boycott: Parks’s act of civil disobe­dience by refusing to relinquish her bus seat became a symbol of resistance to segreg­ation. Her courage and activism played a critical role in galvan­izing the movement.
Continued Advocacy: Parks continued to work for civil rights and social justice throughout her life, becoming an enduring symbol of the struggle for racial equality.
John Lewis
Activism and Congre­ssional Career: Lewis, a leader of the Student Nonviolent Coordi­nating Committee (SNCC), was a key figure in the Freedom Rides and the Selma to Montgomery marches. His activism and legisl­ative work as a U.S. Congre­ssman helped to advance civil rights and social justice.

The Movement’s Achiev­ements and Legacy

Legisl­ative and Social Changes
Civil Rights Act of 1964: This legisl­ation was a landmark achiev­ement in ending legal segreg­ation and discri­min­ation.
Voting Rights Act of 1965: This Act aimed to eliminate barriers to voting for African Americans, such as literacy tests and poll taxes. It was instru­mental in increasing voter regist­ration and political partic­ipation among African Americans.
Cultural and Social Impact
Media Repres­ent­ation: The movement influenced the repres­ent­ation of African Americans in media, arts, and culture, contri­buting to broader social changes and challe­nging stereo­types.
Educat­ional Advanc­ements: The struggle for equal educat­ional opport­unities led to increased access to higher education and greater repres­ent­ation of African Americans in academia.
Ongoing Struggles and the Movement’s Evolution
Economic Inequa­lity: Despite legal advances, economic dispar­ities between African Americans and white Americans persisted, and addressing economic justice became a key focus of later activism.
Inters­ect­ion­ality: The movement’s legacy continues to inspire contem­porary struggles for justice, including issues of gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and immigrant rights, highli­ghting the interc­onn­ected nature of various social justice issues.


The U.S. Civil Rights Movement was a transf­orm­ative period in American history that reshaped the nation's approach to race, equality, and justice. Its successes in disman­tling legal segreg­ation and advancing civil rights were hard-won through years of struggle, sacrifice, and collective action. The movement’s legacy continues to influence contem­porary social justice movements and serves as a reminder of the ongoing quest for equality and human dignity.
The Civil Rights Movement's history is a testament to the power of activism and the enduring impact of those who have fought for a more just and equitable society.