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The Kennedy Curse Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

The Kennedy Curse notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


The Kennedy family is one of the most prominent & influe­ntial families in American history, known for their political & social impact
The family's legacy is intert­wined with a series of tragic events that have affected multiple genera­tions, often referred to as the "­Kennedy Curse"

Key Figures

Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.
Patriarch of the Kennedy family, a wealthy busine­ssman & politician
John F. Kennedy (JFK)
35th President of the United States, assass­inated in 1963
Robert F. Kennedy (RFK)
US Attorney General and Senator, assass­inated in 1968
Edward "­Ted­" Kennedy
US Senator involved in a contro­versial incident known as the Chappa­qui­ddick incident

Concept of Curse

The idea of the "­Kennedy Curse" refers to the series of misfor­tunes, accidents, & deaths that have plagued the family over the decades
It has been the subject of specul­ation, media coverage, and public fascin­ation

Initial Tragedies

Rosemary Kennedy (1918-­2005)
he third child of Joseph and Rose Kennedy, born with intell­ectual disabi­lities. A failed lobotomy in 1941 left her perman­ently incapa­citated
Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. (1915-­1944)
The eldest son, groomed for a political career, died in a plane explosion during a World War II mission

John F. Kennedy (1917-­1963)

Presid­ency: Elected as the youngest president in 1960, JFK's term was marked by signif­icant events such as the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Civil Rights Movement
Assass­ina­tion: On November 22, 1963, JFK was assass­inated in Dallas, Texas, by Lee Harvey Oswald (offic­ially) while riding in a motorcade. His death shocked the nation and the world, sparking numerous conspiracy theories

Robert F. Kennedy (1925-­1968)

Political Career: RFK served as U.S. Attorney General under his brother and later became a Senator from New York
Assass­ina­tion: On June 5, 1968, RFK was assass­inated in Los Angeles by Sirhan Sirhan after winning the California Democratic primary. His death came at a time when he was a leading candidate for the presid­ency, adding to the family's tragic legacy

Edward "­Ted­" Kennedy

Political Career: Ted Kennedy was a long-s­erving U.S. Senator and the youngest brother of JFK and RFK
Incident: On July 18, 1969, Ted Kennedy drove off a bridge on Chappa­qui­ddick Island, Massac­hus­etts. The accident resulted in the drowning death of Mary Jo Kopechne, a campaign worker
Aftermath: Ted Kennedy's actions and the delay in reporting the accident led to a scandal that tarnished his reputation and hindered his political ambitions, including a potential presid­ential run

David A. Kennedy (1955-­1984)

Backgr­ound: The son of Robert F. Kennedy, David struggled with drug addiction, exacer­bated by his father's assass­ination
Death: He died of a drug overdose in a hotel room in Palm Beach, Florida, at the age of 28

Michael Kennedy (1958-­1997)

Backgr­ound: Another son of Robert F. Kennedy, Michael was involved in political activism and family business
Death: He died in a skiing accident in Aspen, Colorado, when he collided with a tree while playing football on skis

John F. Kennedy Jr. (1960-­1999)

Backgr­ound: The son of JFK, known for his charisma and considered a potential future political leader
Death: John F. Kennedy Jr., along with his wife Carolyn Besset­te-­Kennedy and sister­-in-law Lauren Bessette, died in a plane crash off the coast of Martha's Vineyard. John was piloting the plane at the time, and the crash was attributed to pilot error in poor visibility

Public Fascin­ation

The tragedies surrou­nding the Kennedy family have led to widespread specul­ation about whether the family is cursed or simply the victims of extrao­rdinary misfortune
The media's portrayal of the Kennedy Curse has contri­buted to the mythol­ogizing of the family's history

Impact on the Family

Despite the tragedies, members of the Kennedy family have continued to pursue public service and political careers, mainta­ining their influence in American politics and society

Cultural Reflection

The idea of the Kennedy Curse has been explored in various books, docume­nta­ries, and films, reflecting the enduring interest in the family's story

Unders­tanding the Kennedy Curse

Whether seen as a literal curse or a series of tragic coinci­dences, the Kennedy family's history highlights the comple­xities of fame, power, and public life
The legacy of the Kennedys, marked by both triumph and tragedy, continues to resonate in American culture and politics

The Continuing Story

The Kennedy family remains a symbol of both the potential and the perils of American public life, with new genera­tions facing the challenges of living up to a storied legacy while grappling with the shadow of past tragedies