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The Hollywood Blacklist Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

The Hollywood Blacklist Notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Definition of the Hollywood Blacklist
The Hollywood blacklist was a list of actors, writers, directors, musicians, and other entert­ainment profes­sionals who were denied employment in the film industry due to their alleged communist ties or sympathies during the late 1940s and 1950s
It was a product of the broader Red Scare and McCart­hyism, a period marked by intense anti-c­omm­unist sentiment in the United States
Historical Context
The blacklist emerged during the early stages of the Cold War, a time when fears of communist infilt­ration and influence in American instit­utions were pervasive
The U.S. govern­ment, partic­ularly through the actions of the House Un-Ame­rican Activities Committee (HUAC), sought to expose and eliminate communist influence in various sectors, including Hollywood

The Origins of the Blacklist

The Red Scare and HUAC
HUAC, originally establ­ished in 1938, intens­ified its focus on communism after World War II, driven by fears of Soviet espionage and subversion
HUAC, originally establ­ished in 1938, intens­ified its focus on communism after World War II, driven by fears of Soviet espionage and subversion
The Hollywood Ten
In October 1947, HUAC subpoenaed several Hollywood figures to testify about their alleged communist affili­ations
Ten of these indivi­duals, known as the Hollywood Ten, refused to answer HUAC’s questions, citing their First Amendment rights. This defiance led to their conviction for contempt of Congress and subsequent impris­onment
The Waldorf Statement
In response to the Hollywood Ten’s actions, the heads of major Hollywood studios issued the Waldorf Statement in November 1947, which effect­ively announced the blacklist
The statement declared that the Hollywood Ten would be fired and not rehired until they declared they were not commun­ists. This marked the official beginning of the blacklist

The Implem­ent­ation of the Blacklist

Scope and Impact
The blacklist quickly expanded beyond the Hollywood Ten to include hundreds of other entert­ainment profes­sio­nals, many of whom were suspected of having communist ties or sympat­hies, often based on little or no evidence
Those blackl­isted found it nearly impossible to find work in Hollywood, as studios and producers feared the political and financial reperc­ussions of hiring them
Informants and Friendly Witnesses
Some indivi­duals in Hollywood cooperated with HUAC, naming colleagues they believed to be commun­ists. These "­fri­endly witnes­ses­" often provided lists of names, sometimes under duress, contri­buting to the expansion of the blacklist
High-p­rofile friendly witnesses included actors like Ronald Reagan and Gary Cooper, and directors like Elia Kazan, who later faced signif­icant backlash for his cooper­ation
Life Under the Blacklist
Blackl­isted indivi­duals often had to work under pseudo­nyms, move abroad, or leave the industry altogether
For those who remained in Hollywood, the blacklist created a climate of fear, self-c­ens­orship, and suspicion, with many avoiding politi­cally sensitive or contro­versial topics in their work

Notable Figures Affected by the Blacklist

Dalton Trumbo
A prominent screen­writer and member of the Hollywood Ten, Trumbo continued to write under pseudonyms during his blackl­isting, even winning Academy Awards for "­Roman Holida­y" (1953) and "The Brave One" (1956) under different names
Trumbo's story is often cited as emblematic of the injustices of the blacklist, and his public acknow­led­gment for "­Spa­rta­cus­" (1960) helped to break the blacklist
Charlie Chaplin
Although never officially blackl­isted, Chaplin faced signif­icant scrutiny due to his political views and was effect­ively exiled from the United States after the release of "­Mon­sieur Verdou­x" (1947). He returned to Europe and did not come back to the U.S. for many years
Orson Welles
Welles, known for his ground­bre­aking work in film, also faced scrutiny and challenges due to his political beliefs and associ­ations, though he was never formally blackl­isted. His career was nevert­heless affected, leading him to spend much of his later life working in Europe

The End of the Blacklist

Gradual Decline
By the late 1950s and early 1960s, the blacklist began to weaken as the political climate shifted and public support for the extreme measures of McCart­hyism waned
The success of films like "­Spa­rta­cus­" (1960), which openly credited blackl­isted writers, marked a turning point in the industry’s willin­gness to challenge the blacklist
Elia Kazan’s Contro­versy
Elia Kazan, a director who named names before HUAC, faced ongoing contro­versy and criticism even after the blacklist ended. His receipt of an honorary Oscar in 1999 reignited debates over his actions during the blacklist era
Final Disman­tling
By the 1960s, most studios had abandoned the blacklist, though the effects lingered for many indivi­duals whose careers had been damaged or destroyed
The Writers Guild of America began to restore credits to blackl­isted writers, formally recogn­izing their contri­butions to films made during the blacklist era

The Legacy of the Hollywood Blacklist

Impact on American Cinema
The blacklist had a profound impact on American cinema, stifling creativity and leading to a period of conformity and self-c­ens­orship in Hollywood
Many filmmakers avoided politi­cally or socially contro­versial subjects, resulting in a more conser­vative and less advent­urous period in American film history
Cultural Memory and Reasse­ssment
Over time, the blacklist has been widely condemned as an unjust and destru­ctive period in American history, with many of those affected being posthu­mously honored and rehabi­litated
Films, docume­nta­ries, and books have explored the blacklist, its impact on indivi­duals, and its broader implic­ations for American society and culture
Ongoing Debates
The legacy of the blacklist continues to provoke debate, partic­ularly regarding the actions of those who cooperated with HUAC and the ethical dilemmas faced by indivi­duals during this period
The blacklist remains a cautionary tale about the dangers of political repression and the violation of civil liberties in the name of national security