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Religious Change in Elizabethan England Lecture Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Religious Change in Elizabethan England (1558-1603) Lecture notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Compre­hensive Overview

The reign of Elizabeth I (1558-­1603) was a pivotal period in English history, partic­ularly in terms of religious transf­orm­ation. Elizab­ethan England was marked by signif­icant efforts to establish religious stability after years of religious turmoil during the reigns of her predec­essors. This period saw the consol­idation of Protes­tantism as the state religion, the suppre­ssion of Cathol­icism, and the implem­ent­ation of the Elizab­ethan Religious Settle­ment. The religious changes of this era had profound and lasting effects on English society, politics, and culture.

Historical Context

Religious Turmoil Before Elizabeth I
Henry VIII and the Break with Rome (1534): Henry VIII’s decision to break from the Roman Catholic Church and establish the Church of England was driven by his desire to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. This led to the creation of a national church indepe­ndent of papal authority.
The Reform­ation under Edward VI (1547-­1553): Edward VI, Henry VIII's son, furthered Protestant reforms, introd­ucing more radical changes, including the Book of Common Prayer (1549) and the removal of tradit­ional Catholic practices.
Mary I and the Restor­ation of Cathol­icism (1553-­1558): Mary I, Elizab­eth's half-s­ister, attempted to reverse the Protestant Reform­ation by restoring Cathol­icism. Her reign saw the persec­ution of Protes­tants, earning her the moniker "­Bloody Mary." The Marian persec­utions created a climate of fear and division, deepening the religious divide in England.
Elizabeth I's Accession to the Throne
Elizab­eth's Religious Position: Elizabeth I, the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, was a Protes­tant, but she was pragmatic in her approach to religion. She sought to create a moderate religious settlement that would unify the country and end the religious strife that had plagued her predec­essors' reigns.
Challenges Faced by Elizabeth: Elizabeth inherited a divided nation. The religious landscape was fractured, with signif­icant Catholic, Protes­tant, and Puritan factions. Elizab­eth’s challenge was to navigate these divisions and establish a stable religious order.

The Elizab­ethan Religious Settlement

The Act of Supremacy (1559)
Restor­ation of Royal Supremacy: The Act of Supremacy of 1559 re-est­abl­ished the monarch as the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, rejecting papal authority. Elizab­eth’s title was delibe­rately styled as "­Supreme Govern­or" rather than "­Supreme Head" to appease those who might have objected to a woman holding supreme religious authority.
Oath of Supremacy: All clergy and officials were required to take an oath acknow­ledging Elizab­eth’s supremacy. Refusal to take the oath was considered treaso­nous, leading to the removal of Catholic bishops and other officials who refused to comply.
The Act of Uniformity (1559)
Standa­rdi­zation of Worship: The Act of Uniformity mandated the use of a revised version of the 1552 Book of Common Prayer in all churches. This book was a moderate Protestant text that aimed to include as many religious perspe­ctives as possible, while still mainta­ining Protestant doctrine.
Attendance at Church: Attendance at Church of England services was made compul­sory, with fines imposed on those who did not comply. This law effect­ively margin­alized Catholics and other dissen­ters.
Impact on Clergy: The Act of Uniformity led to the removal or resign­ation of many Catholic clergy who could not in good conscience conform to the new practices.
The Thirty­-Nine Articles (1563)
Doctrinal Framework: The Thirty­-Nine Articles were a set of doctrinal statements that defined the beliefs of the Church of England. They repres­ented a middle way between Roman Cathol­icism and radical Protes­tantism (Calvi­nism).
Key Doctrines: The Articles affirmed the authority of Scripture, the rejection of transu­bst­ant­iation, and the validity of only two sacraments (baptism and the Eucharist) out of the seven recognized by Catholics. They also rejected purgatory and the cult of saints.
The Role of the Episcopal Structure
Continuity and Change: Elizabeth maintained the tradit­ional episcopal structure of bishops, which was a continuity with the pre-Re­for­mation Church, but these bishops were now appointed by the crown and were Protestant in their orient­ation.
Control of the Clergy: The episcopal hierarchy allowed the crown to maintain control over the clergy and enforce conformity to the religious settle­ment.

Catholic Resistance and Persec­ution

Catholic Opposition to the Settlement
Recusants: Catholics who refused to attend Anglican services were known as recusants. They continued to practice their faith in secret, often in fear of persec­ution.
Catholic Plots: Elizabeth faced numerous plots to overthrow her, often supported by Catholic powers such as Spain and the Papacy. Notable plots included the Ridolfi Plot (1571) and the Babington Plot (1586), both of which aimed to replace Elizabeth with her Catholic cousin, Mary, Queen of Scots.
Papal Bull of Excomm­uni­cation (1570): In 1570, Pope Pius V issued the papal bull Regnans in Excelsis, excomm­uni­cating Elizabeth and declaring that her subjects were absolved from allegiance to her. This further isolated Catholics in England and made them targets of suspicion.
Government Response and Persec­ution
Penal Laws: A series of laws were enacted to suppress Cathol­icism. These included fines for recusancy, restri­ctions on Catholic education, and the prohib­ition of Catholic priests from entering England.
Jesuit Missions: The arrival of Jesuit missio­naries in England, such as Edmund Campion, was seen as a direct threat to Elizab­eth's rule. These missio­naries were often captured, tortured, and executed.
Persec­ution and Martyrdom: The execution of Catholic priests and laypeople who were caught practicing their faith or involved in plots against Elizabeth contri­buted to the harsh climate of religious persec­ution.
The Fate of Mary, Queen of Scots
Impris­onment and Execution: Mary, Queen of Scots, was seen by many Catholics as the legitimate heir to the English throne. After being implicated in the Babington Plot, Mary was executed in 1587. Her execution removed a focal point for Catholic hopes of a counte­r-r­efo­rmation in England but also made Elizabeth a target for Catholic powers abroad.

Protes­tantism and Puritan Challenges

The Rise of Puritanism
Puritan Ideology: Puritans were a group of Protes­tants who believed that the Elizab­ethan Religious Settlement had not gone far enough in reforming the Church of England. They sought to "­pur­ify­" the church of remaining Catholic practices, such as the wearing of vestments and the use of the sign of the cross in baptism.
Puritan Criticism of the Settle­ment: Puritans criticized the hierar­chical structure of the Church of England, arguing for a more congre­gat­ional or presby­terian model of church govern­ance. They also objected to the retention of certain rituals and ceremonies that they viewed as remnants of Cathol­icism.
Elizab­eth’s Response to Puritanism
Conformity vs. Tolera­tion: Elizabeth was wary of Purita­nism, viewing it as a threat to her authority and the unity of the Church of England. While she tolerated some diversity within the church, she was determined to enforce conformity to the establ­ished religious practices.
Archbishop Whitgift and the Suppre­ssion of Purita­nism: Archbishop John Whitgift, appointed in 1583, was a staunch defender of the Elizab­ethan Settlement and took strong measures against Puritans. He introduced the Three Articles, which required clergy to conform to the Prayer Book and the Thirty­-Nine Articles or face suspension or depriv­ation.
Marprelate Contro­versy (1588-­1589): The Marprelate Tracts were a series of anonymous pamphlets that criticized the bishops of the Church of England in scathing terms. The government responded by cracking down on the Puritans, arresting and executing those involved in producing the tracts.
The Develo­pment of Separatism
Separa­tists: Some Puritans, frustrated with the slow pace of reform and the persec­ution they faced, chose to separate from the Church of England entirely. These groups, known as Separa­tists, establ­ished their own indepe­ndent congre­gat­ions, which were illegal under Elizab­ethan law.
Persec­ution of Separa­tists: The government treated Separatism as a form of sedition. Leaders like Robert Browne were impris­oned, and many Separa­tists were forced into exile. Despite this, Separatism laid the groundwork for later religious movements, including the Pilgrims who settled in America.

The Impact of Religious Change on Society

Religious Uniformity and Social Control
Enforc­ement of Confor­mity: The Elizab­ethan Religious Settlement aimed to enforce religious uniformity as a means of mainta­ining social and political stability. Attendance at Anglican services was not just a religious obligation but also a demons­tration of loyalty to the crown.
Impact on Education and Literacy: The emphasis on reading the Bible and religious texts in English led to increased literacy rates, as more people needed to read the scriptures for themse­lves. The establ­ishment of grammar schools also contri­buted to this rise in literacy.
Censorship and Control of Print: The government exercised strict control over the printing press to prevent the spread of heretical or seditious ideas. Religious texts, especially those that were critical of the Church of England, were subject to censor­ship.
Religious Change and Social Division
Divisions Within Families and Commun­ities: The religious changes often caused deep divisions within families and commun­ities. In some cases, members of the same family adhered to different religious tradit­ions, leading to conflict and estran­gement.
Margin­ali­zation of Catholics: Catholics were increa­singly margin­alized, facing legal restri­ctions, social ostracism, and economic hardship. Many Catholic gentry lost their lands and influence as they were forced to conform or face heavy fines.
The Role of Religion in National Identity: Protes­tantism became increa­singly linked with English national identity, especially in opposition to Catholic powers like Spain. This religious nation­alism was reinforced by events such as the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, which was interp­reted as a sign of divine favor.
The Legacy of Elizab­ethan Religious Policy
Long-Term Effects on the Church of England The Elizab­ethan Religious Settlement laid the founda­tions for the Church of England as a distinct entity, neither fully Protestant in the contin­ental sense nor Catholic. This middle way, or via media, would continue to define the Anglican Church.
Religious Dissent and Future Conflicts: The failure to fully resolve religious tensions during Elizab­eth’s reign meant that these issues would resurface in the 17th century, leading to the English Civil War, the rise of Purita­nism, and the eventual establ­ishment of religious toleration in the late 17th century.

Foreign Policy and Religious Conflict

Elizabeth and the Catholic Powers
Relations with Spain: Elizab­eth’s support for Protestant causes in Europe, such as aiding the Dutch Revolt against Spanish rule, exacer­bated tensions with Spain. The culmin­ation of this conflict was the attempted invasion by the Spanish Armada in 1588, which was famously defeated by the English navy.
Relations with the Papacy: The excomm­uni­cation of Elizabeth by Pope Pius V in 1570 strained relations with Catholic Europe. The Papacy supported various plots to overthrow Elizabeth and replace her with a Catholic monarch, further fueling anti-C­atholic sentiment in England.
The Protes­tan­t-C­atholic Divide in Europe
Support for Protestant Allies: Elizab­eth’s foreign policy was heavily influenced by the religious conflicts in Europe. She provided support to Protestant allies, including the Huguenots in France and the Protestant princes in the Holy Roman Empire, in their struggles against Catholic powers.
Impact on English Catholics: The conflict with Catholic powers abroad had direct conseq­uences for English Catholics, who were increa­singly viewed as potential traitors or fifth column­ists. This led to harsher laws and greater persec­ution.
The Legacy of Religious Conflict in Foreign Policy
Shaping of English Protestant Identity: The religious conflicts of Elizab­eth’s reign helped to solidify a Protestant national identity in England. The notion of England as a Protestant nation, standing firm against Catholic tyranny, became a central theme in English political and religious thought.
Influence on Later Foreign Policy: The Elizab­ethan era set a precedent for future English foreign policy, where religious consid­era­tions often played a signif­icant role. The fear of Catholic influence continued to shape England’s alliances and enmities well into the 17th century.

Elizab­eth’s Legacy and Religious Change

The Elizab­ethan Religious Settle­ment’s Long-Term Impact
Endurance of the Settle­ment: Despite the challenges and opposi­tion, the Elizab­ethan Religious Settlement largely endured beyond Elizab­eth’s reign. It establ­ished a Protestant church that retained many elements of tradit­ional worship, appealing to a broad segment of the popula­tion.
Influence on Successor Monarchs: Elizab­eth’s successor, James I, largely maintained the religious status quo, though tensions between Puritans and the establ­ished church continued to grow. The religious landscape establ­ished under Elizabeth would ultimately influence the conflicts of the Stuart period.
The Church of England’s Role in English Society
Integr­ation of Religion and State: The Elizab­ethan Settlement reinforced the integr­ation of the Church of England with the state. This relati­onship would remain a defining feature of English governance and society, with the monarch serving as the head of both church and state.
Cultural and Intell­ectual Impact: The religious changes of the Elizab­ethan era had a profound impact on English culture, litera­ture, and intell­ectual life. The Bible in English, the Book of Common Prayer, and the sermons of the Church of England shaped the language and thought of the English people.
The Evolution of Religious Toleration
Religious Toleration and the Future: Although the Elizab­ethan era was marked by efforts to enforce religious confor­mity, it also laid the groundwork for the later develo­pment of religious tolera­tion. The divisions and conflicts of this period highli­ghted the need for a more inclusive approach to religious diversity, which would eventually emerge in the 17th and 18th centuries.


The religious changes in Elizab­ethan England were pivotal in shaping the nation’s religious landscape, establ­ishing Protes­tantism as the dominant faith while margin­alizing Cathol­icism and navigating the challenges posed by Purita­nism. Elizab­eth’s pragmatic approach to religion, embodied in the Elizab­ethan Religious Settle­ment, sought to balance competing religious factions and create a stable religious enviro­nment. However, this settlement also sowed the seeds for future religious conflicts and divisions. The legacy of Elizab­ethan religious policy continued to influence English society, politics, and culture for centuries, making this period one of the most signif­icant in the history of the English Reform­ation.