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Intro to Medicine Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Intro to Medicine notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Medicine is the science and practice of diagno­sing, treating, and preventing disease. It encomp­asses a wide range of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.
Medicine includes a variety of practices aimed at promoting health and managing disease, ranging from general practice to specia­lized fields such as surgery, internal medicine, pediat­rics, psychi­atry, and more.

Historical Develo­pment of Medicine

Ancient Medicine:
Egyptian Medicine: Early practices included herbal remedies, surgery, and the belief in supern­atural causes of disease.
Greek Medicine: Hippoc­rates, often considered the "­Father of Medici­ne,­" emphasized natural causes of disease and introduced the Hippoc­ratic Oath. Galen, another key figure, contri­buted to unders­tanding anatomy and physio­logy.
Chinese Medicine: Tradit­ional Chinese Medicine (TCM) involves practices like acupun­cture and herbal medicine, rooted in the concept of balancing the body's vital energies (Qi).
Medieval and Renais­sance Medicine:
Islamic Golden Age: Scholars like Avicenna (Ibn Sina) advanced medical knowledge, partic­ularly in pharma­cology and anatomy.
European Renais­sance: The revival of learning led to signif­icant advances in anatomy (e.g., Vesalius) and the develo­pment of new surgical techni­ques.
Modern Medicine:
19th Century: The discovery of germs by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch revolu­tio­nized the unders­tanding of infectious diseases. The develo­pment of anesthesia and antiseptic techniques transf­ormed surgery.
20th Century: The discovery of antibi­otics, the develo­pment of vaccines, and advances in medical imaging (X-rays, MRI) drasti­cally improved disease preven­tion, diagnosis, and treatment.

Basic Sciences in Medicine

Defini­tion: The study of the structure of the human body.
Key Areas: Gross anatomy (study of large body struct­ures), histology (study of tissues), and embryology (study of the develo­pment of the body from fertil­ization to birth).
Defini­tion: The study of how the body and its systems function.
Key Concepts: Homeos­tasis (the body's ability to maintain a stable internal enviro­nment), organ systems (e.g., cardio­vas­cular, respir­atory, nervous), and cellular processes.
Defini­tion: The study of the chemical processes within and related to living organisms.
Key Topics: Enzyme function, metabo­lism, genetic material (DNA/RNA), and molecular biology.
Defini­tion: The study of disease, its causes, and its effects on the body.
Subfields: General pathology (study of disease proces­ses), systemic pathology (study of diseases affecting specific organs or systems), and forensic pathology (deter­mining causes of death).
Defini­tion: The study of microo­rga­nisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, and their role in disease.
Key Areas: Infection control, immunology (the immune system and its response to pathog­ens), and antibiotic resist­ance.
Defini­tion: The study of drugs and their effects on the body.
Key Topics: Drug absorp­tion, distri­bution, metabo­lism, and excretion; mechanisms of action; therap­eutic uses; and adverse effects.

Clinical Medicine

Internal Medicine:
Defini­tion: The medical specialty dealing with the preven­tion, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases.
Subspe­cia­lties: Cardio­logy, gastro­ent­ero­logy, endocr­ino­logy, nephro­logy, and more.
Diagnostic Techni­ques: Physical examin­ation, imaging (X-rays, CT scans), and laboratory tests.
Defini­tion: The branch of medicine that involves the physical interv­ention on tissues to treat disease, injury, or deformity.
Types: General surgery, orthopedic surgery, neuros­urgery, cardio­tho­racic surgery, and minimally invasive techniques like laparo­scopy.
Advances: Robotic surgery, transp­lan­tation, and regene­rative medicine.
Defini­tion: The branch of medicine dealing with the health and medical care of infants, children, and adoles­cents.
Key Areas: Growth and develo­pment, vaccin­ation, pediatric diseases (e.g., congenital disorders, infectious diseases), and pediatric oncology.
Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN):
Defini­tion: The medical specialty dealing with childbirth and the care of women’s reprod­uctive systems.
Obstet­rics: Focuses on pregnancy, childb­irth, and the postpartum period.
Gyneco­logy: Covers all other aspects of women’s reprod­uctive health, including menstr­uation, contra­cep­tion, infert­ility, and menopause.
Defini­tion: The branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders.
Key Areas: Mood disorders (depre­ssion, bipolar disorder), anxiety disorders, schizo­phr­enia, substance abuse, and psycho­the­rapy.
Emergency Medicine:
Defini­tion: The medical specialty involving the care of patients with acute illnesses or injuries that require immediate medical attention.
Key Areas: Trauma care, resusc­ita­tion, emergency surgery, and disaster medicine.

Diagnostic Methods and Techniques

Medical Imaging:
X-rays: Used for diagnosing fractures, infect­ions, and tumors.
CT Scans: Combines X-ray images to create cross-­sec­tional views of the body.
MRI: Uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce detailed images of organs and tissues.
Ultras­ound: Uses high-f­req­uency sound waves to create images of organs and structures inside the body, commonly used in obstet­rics.
Laboratory Testing:
Blood Tests: Used to assess overall health and diagnose conditions (e.g., complete blood count, choles­terol levels, blood glucose).
Urinal­ysis: Tests urine for signs of disease, such as infections or kidney disorders.
Biopsy: The removal of a small amount of tissue for examin­ation under a microscope to diagnose cancer, infect­ions, and other diseases.
Defini­tion: A procedure that uses an endoscope to examine the interior of a hollow organ or cavity of the body.
Types: Gastro­scopy (stomach), colono­scopy (colon), bronch­oscopy (lungs).

Preventive Medicine and Public Health

Preventive Medicine:
Defini­tion: The medical practice focused on disease prevention and health promotion.
Key Areas: Vaccin­ation, screening programs (e.g., mammog­rams, colono­sco­pies), lifestyle counseling (e.g., diet, exercise), and public health initia­tives.
Public Health:
Defini­tion: The science of protecting and improving the health of popula­tions through education, policy­-ma­king, and research.
Epidem­iology: The study of how diseases spread and can be contro­lled.
Health Promotion: Efforts to improve health outcomes through education and commun­ity­-based interv­ent­ions.
Global Health: Addressing health issues that transcend national bounda­ries, such as pandemics, malnut­rition, and access to care.

Ethics in Medicine

Medical Ethics:
Autonomy: Respecting the patient's right to make their own decisions.
Benefi­cence: Acting in the best interest of the patient.
Non-Ma­lef­icence: "Do no harm"—a­voiding harm to the patient.
Justice: Ensuring fairness in the distri­bution of healthcare resources.
Informed Consent:
Defini­tion: The process by which patients are informed about the risks, benefits, and altern­atives of a treatment, and then give their voluntary agreement to proceed.
Challe­nges: Language barriers, cultural differ­ences, and patients’ unders­tanding of medical inform­ation.
Defini­tion: The ethical duty to protect patient inform­ation from unauth­orized disclo­sure.
Legal Implic­ations: Breaches of confid­ent­iality can lead to legal conseq­uences and loss of trust.
End-of­-Life Care:
Key Issues: Euthan­asia, physic­ian­-as­sisted suicide, palliative care, and advanced direct­ives.
Ethical Debates: Balancing the right to die with the duty to preserve life.

Research in Medicine

Clinical Research:
Defini­tion: Research involving human partic­ipants to evaluate the effects of medical interv­ent­ions.
Types: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cohort studies, case-c­ontrol studies, and cross-­sec­tional studies.
Ethical Consid­era­tions: Informed consent, risk-b­enefit analysis, and protection of vulnerable popula­tions.
Transl­ational Research:
Defini­tion: The process of applying discov­eries from basic science to enhance human health and well-b­eing.
Bench to Bedside: Moving laboratory research into clinical trials and eventually into everyday medical practice.
Eviden­ce-­Based Medicine (EBM):
Defini­tion: The consci­entious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.
Process: Involves integr­ating clinical expertise with the best available research evidence and patient values­/pr­efe­rences.

Advances in Medicine

Genomics and Person­alized Medicine:
Defini­tion: Tailoring medical treatment to the individual charac­ter­istics, needs, and prefer­ences of a patient based on genetic inform­ation.
Applic­ations: Genetic testing, targeted therapies, and pharma­cog­enomics (how genes affect a person’s response to drugs).
Defini­tion: The use of technology to provide medical care remotely.
Benefits: Increases access to care, especially in unders­erved areas, and improves patient conven­ience.
Challe­nges: Ensuring privacy, mainta­ining the quality of care, and addressing regulatory issues.
Regene­rative Medicine:
Defini­tion: The branch of medicine focused on repairing or replacing damaged cells, tissues, or organs.
Techni­ques: Stem cell therapy, tissue engine­ering, and gene editing (e.g., CRISPR).
Artificial Intell­igence (AI) in Medicine:
Applic­ations: AI algorithms for diagno­stics, predictive analytics, person­alized treatment plans, and operat­ional effici­encies in healthcare settings.
Challe­nges: Ethical issues, data privacy, and the need for regulatory framew­orks.


The study of medicine is a vast and contin­ually evolving field that integrates knowledge from various scientific discip­lines to unders­tand, diagnose, and treat health conditions
With its focus on improving individual and public health, medicine combines rigorous scientific research with clinical practice, guided by ethical principles and a commitment to patient care
As medical science advances, ongoing research and innovation continue to transform the landscape of health­care, offering new opport­unities to enhance health outcomes and quality of life