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Intro to Geography Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Intro to Geography notes

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Geography is the study of places and the relati­onships between people and their enviro­nments. It explores both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human societies spread across it.
eography bridges the natural and social sciences, examining the physical landscape, human activity, and how they interact.

Branches of Geography

Physical Geography:
Focuses on the natural enviro­nment and processes that shape the Earth's surface.
Geomor­pho­logy: The study of landforms and the processes that create and change them.
Climat­ology: The study of climates and their effects on the Earth over time.
Biogeo­graphy: The study of the distri­bution of species and ecosystems in geographic space and through geological time.
Hydrology: The study of water on Earth, including the hydrologic cycle, water resources, and enviro­nmental watershed sustai­nab­ility.
Soil Geography: The study of the distri­bution, formation, and classi­fic­ation of soils.
Human Geography:
Examines human societies, their cultures, economies, and intera­ctions with the enviro­nment.
Cultural Geography: The study of cultural products, norms, and how they vary and develop spatially.
Urban Geography: The study of urban areas, including their develo­pment, structure, and functi­oning.
Economic Geography: The study of economic activities across space, including indust­ries, trade, and resource distri­bution.
Political Geography: The study of spatial dimensions of politics, including borders, territ­ori­ality, and geopol­itics.
Population Geography: The study of the distri­bution, compos­ition, migration, and growth of popula­tions.
Enviro­nmental Geography:
A blend of physical and human geography, focusing on the intera­ction between human beings and their natural enviro­nment.
Sustai­nab­ility and conser­vation.
Enviro­nmental management and policy.
Impact of human activity on the enviro­nment (defor­est­ation, pollution, etc.).
Geogra­phical Techni­ques:
Cartog­raphy: The science and art of map-ma­king.
Geographic Inform­ation Systems (GIS): A system designed to capture, store, manipu­late, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data.
Remote Sensing: The acquis­ition of inform­ation about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact, often through satell­ites.
Spatial Analysis: Techniques applied to analyze spatial data, often using GIS.

Key Concepts in Geography

Space and Place:
Space: A more abstract concept, focusing on the location and the physical distance between objects.
Place: A specific point on Earth distin­guished by a particular charac­ter­istic or meaning.
The level of repres­ent­ation, experi­ence, and organi­zation of geogra­phical events and processes, ranging from the local to the global.
An area of Earth distin­guished by a distin­ctive combin­ation of cultural and physical features.
Formal Region: Defined by official boundaries (e.g., countries, states).
Functional Region: Defined by a function (e.g., a metrop­olitan area).
Vernacular Region: Perceived regions (e.g., "The South" in the USA).
The visible features of an area of land, including physical elements (mount­ains, rivers) and human elements (build­ings, roads).
The spread of ideas, diseases, techno­logy, etc., across space.
Relocation Diffusion: When people move and bring their culture with them.
Expansion Diffusion: When an idea or innovation spreads out from a central point.

Methods in Geography

Collecting data in natural settings through observ­ation, surveys, and interv­iews.
Spatial Analysis:
Involves analyzing data in a spatial context, often using GIS.
Cartog­raphic Techni­ques:
Map-making and interp­ret­ation skills are essential for visual­izing spatial data.
Quanti­tative Methods:
Statis­tical techniques used to analyze geogra­phical data.
Qualit­ative Methods:
Non-nu­merical analysis, including interv­iews, ethnog­rap­hies, and content analysis, often used in human geography.

Major Theore­tical Approaches in Geography

Enviro­nmental Determ­inism:
The belief that the physical enviro­nment, especially climate and terrain, actively shapes cultures and societies.
Suggests that while the enviro­nment sets certain constr­aints or limita­tions, culture is otherwise determined by social condit­ions.
Human-­Env­iro­nment Intera­ction:
Studies the reciprocal relati­onship between humans and their enviro­nment, including adaptation and modifi­cation.
Spatial Science:
Focuses on spatial patterns and processes, emphas­izing the scientific and quanti­tative analysis of geogra­phical phenomena.
Critical Geography:
Challenges tradit­ional geogra­phical perspe­ctives, often focusing on issues of power, inequa­lity, and social justice.

Applied Geography

Urban Planning:
The develo­pment and design of land use and the built enviro­nment, including transp­ort­ation networks and public spaces.
Enviro­nmental Manage­ment:
The management of human impact on the enviro­nment, focusing on sustai­nable practices.
Disaster Risk Manage­ment:
The study and practice of managing risks from natural and human-made disasters.
Transp­ort­ation Geography:
The study of the movement of people and goods, and the systems that support this movement.
Analyzing geographic influences on political decisions and intern­ational relations.

Current Issues in Geography

Climate Change:
Geogra­phers study the causes and impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and shifts in ecosys­tems.
The process of increased interc­onn­ect­edness among the world's cultures and economies, and its geographic implic­ations.
The study of sustai­nable practices and develo­pment, aiming to balance enviro­nme­ntal, social, and economic needs.
The increasing concen­tration of popula­tions in urban areas, leading to challenges such as housing, infras­tru­cture, and enviro­nmental degrad­ation.
Examining the causes, patterns, and effects of migration on both the source and destin­ation regions.
Geopol­itical Tensions:
Geogra­phers study territ­orial disputes, resource conflicts, and the role of geography in intern­ational relations.

Geogra­phical Case Studies

Desert­ifi­cation in the Sahel:
Examining the process and impact of desert­ifi­cation on the Sahel region in Africa, focusing on climate, human activity, and socio-­eco­nomic factors.
Urban Sprawl in North America:
Analyzing the causes and conseq­uences of urban sprawl, including enviro­nmental impacts and social inequa­lities.
The Amazon Rainfo­rest:
Studying defore­sta­tion, biodiv­ersity loss, and the impact of human activities on one of the most critical ecosystems on Earth.
Coastal Erosion in the UK:
Invest­igating the physical processes and human impacts contri­buting to coastal erosion, and the management strategies employed to mitigate it.


Geography provides crucial insights into the complex intera­ctions between humans and their enviro­nments
By unders­tanding spatial relati­ons­hips, geographic processes, and regional differ­ences, geogra­phers contribute to solving global issues related to the enviro­nment, urban develo­pment, and resource management
The interd­isc­ipl­inary nature of geography makes it an essential field for unders­tanding and addressing contem­porary challenges