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Bio 20 IB - Circulatory and Immune System Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

gerd blood heart kneez

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Cardio­vas­cular System
Systemic Circul­ation -
LV(ox) --> body tissue -->RA (deox)
Pulmonary Circul­ation -
RV (deox)­--> lungs -->LA (ox)
Coronary Circul­ation-
LV (ox) --> heart (coronary arteries) -->?
Lymphatic System
filters lymph and produces phagocytic lyphoc­yte­s(WBC)
transport inters­itial fluid(in between cells) to cardio­vasular system

Heart control

heat = myogenic tissue - creates its own electrical contra­ction, subcon­scious (direct innerv­ation)
how the heat beats
1. blood makes Synoatrial Node (SA node)/­Pac­emaker to activate, causing atria to contract, moving blood to ventricles
in top wall of atrium, generates electrical impulses
2.when ventricles fill, Atriov­ent­ricular Node (AV node)relays impulses to bundles of Him and Purkinje fibres, causing ventricles to contract, moving blood to arteries
at base of atrium to delay impulse and allow ventricles to fill

Electrical Activity in the Heart

Electr­oca­rdigram (EKG/ECG)
impluses of the heart picked up by electrodes on the skin
ECG wave or PQRST wave cycle -ECG pattern
atria starts contra­ction, AV opens, SL closes
impluse from SA node to AV node is delayed, ventricles fill
R (Lub)
ventri­cular systole in apex, atriov­ent­ricular valves close
ventri­cular systole finishs
T (Dub)
ventri­cular diastole

Indicators of Cardio­vas­cular Health

1. Heart Rate (bpm)
- low resting heart rate = high cardio­vasular health
|_> indicates high stoke volume/ stonger pumps
- short recovery time = good
2. Stroke Volume (mL/beat)
- the extent that ventricles can fill (strech) and empty (strength)
- cardio­ven­sular exercise improve ventri­cular strength and volume
3.Cardiac Output (mL/min)
- heart rate(b­eat­s/min) x stroke volume­(mL­/beat)

Indicators of Cardio­vas­cular Health

1. Heart Rate (bpm)
- low resting heart rate = high cardio­vasular health
|_> indicates high stoke volume/ stonger pumps
- short recovery time = good
2. Stroke Volume (mL/beat)
- the extent that ventricles can fill (strech) and empty (strength)
- cardio­ven­sular exercise improve ventri­cular strength and volume
3.Cardiac Output (mL/min)
- heart rate(b­eat­s/min) x stroke volume­(mL­/beat)

Blood Vessels

aorta, artery, arteri­oles, cappil­aries, venuoles, veins, vena cava
thick, muscular, elastic walls
withstand high blood pressu­re/­volume
narrower than veins
recoil to propel blood
no valves
carry blood away from heart
1 cell thick (diffu­sion)
easy exchange w/ all tissues
v narrow, v branched
slows blood flow
has precap­illary sphincter
blood plasma can leak
large internal diameter, w/ valves
lower blood flow pressure
not elastic/ muscular
valves prevent backflow
surrounded by skeletal muscle to help push blood
returns blood to heart
- changes depending on vessel
- regulates local blood flow
high surface area (cappi­lares = low speed of blood
arteries can be against bone at these points to feel blood flow
- wrist
- neck/t­reachea
- bicep
- crotch
- foot

Influences on Rhythm of Heart

- adrenalin, epinph­rine, nor...
increases body temp
high bpm
vagus nerve
+blood in aorta ----> inhibitory effect (paras­ymp­atheic)
Aorta strech recoptor ---> impluse to medula oblongata ----> vagus nerve ---> decrease SA node activity
accerl­erator nerve
+blood in vena canva ------> simulating affect (sympa­theric)
Vena Cava strech recoptor ---> impluse to medula oblongata ----> accerator nerve ---> increase SA node activity
high [CO2] in blood
pH 7.35-7.45
CO2 +H2O ----> H2CO3 ----> H++HCO3-
Chemical stimuli
+ heart speed
- heart speed
nicotine, alcohol, caffeine
+heart speed

Blood Pressure

(1) Contra­ction of ventricles
+mL/min = +b.p.
(2) Elasticity of atrerial walls
(3) Ateriole Resistance
- diameter ---> +resis­tance ----> +b.p.
(4) Smooth muscles in arteries controlled by:
nerves­(me­dulla oblong­ata), hormones, +CO2, +lactic acid
(5) Blood volume
- blood volume = - b.p.
- vasomotor center (uncon­sious)
high b.p. ----> aorta/­cartoid arteries strech receptors ----> vasomotor center­(me­dulla oblongata) ---->i­ncrese arteriole diameter ---> low b.p.
- high b.p can cause blood vessels to rupture
- uses sphygm­oma­nometer to cut off blood flow in brachial artery ( x/y )
- x = systolic, sound heard, max pressure during ventri­cular contra­ction
- y = diastolic, sound disappear, min pressure during ventriular relaxation
ave: 120/80mmHg
140/90mmHg +
factors respon­sible:
obesity (+capp­pil­aries to service extra fatty tissue), Stress (arteries contract), +salt(­kid­neys)
increase urine (-salt, diuretic drugs), drud that dialate arteriole, blood thinnners

Blood Pressure

(1) Contra­ction of ventricles
+mL/min = +b.p.
(2) Elasticity of atrerial walls
(3) Ateriole Resistance
- diameter ---> +resis­tance ----> +b.p.
(4) Smooth muscles in arteries controlled by:
nerves­(me­dulla oblong­ata), hormones, +CO2, +lactic acid
(5) Blood volume
- blood volume = - b.p.
- vasomotor center (uncon­sious)
high b.p. ----> aorta/­cartoid arteries strech receptors ----> vasomotor center­(me­dulla oblongata) ---->i­ncrese arteriole diameter ---> low b.p.
- high b.p can cause blood vessels to rupture
- uses sphygm­oma­nometer to cut off blood flow in brachial artery ( x/y )
- x = systolic, sound heard, max pressure during ventri­cular contra­ction
- y = diastolic, sound disappear, min pressure during ventriular relaxation
ave: 120/80mmHg
140/90mmHg +
factors respon­sible:
obesity (+capp­pil­aries to service extra fatty tissue), Stress (arteries contract), +salt(­kid­neys)
increase urine (-salt, diuretic drugs), drud that dialate arteriole, blood thinnners

Blood Pressure

(1) Contra­ction of ventricles
+mL/min = +b.p.
(2) Elasticity of atrerial walls
(3) Ateriole Resistance
- diameter ---> +resis­tance ----> +b.p.
(4) Smooth muscles in arteries controlled by:
nerves­(me­dulla oblong­ata), hormones, +CO2, +lactic acid
(5) Blood volume
- blood volume = - b.p.
- vasomotor center (uncon­sious)
high b.p. ----> aorta/­cartoid arteries strech receptors ----> vasomotor center­(me­dulla oblongata) ---->i­ncrese arteriole diameter ---> low b.p.
- high b.p can cause blood vessels to rupture
- uses sphygm­oma­nometer to cut off blood flow in brachial artery ( x/y )
- x = systolic, sound heard, max pressure during ventri­cular contra­ction
- y = diastolic, sound disappear, min pressure during ventriular relaxation
ave: 120/80mmHg
140/90mmHg +
factors respon­sible:
obesity (+capp­pil­aries to service extra fatty tissue), Stress (arteries contract), +salt(­kid­neys)
increase urine (-salt, diuretic drugs), drud that dialate arteriole, blood thinnners

Components of Blood

- suspend blood cells
- CO2 dissolves, forms carbonic acid in rbc cytoplasm, out of rbc as bicarb­onate ions, to the lungs
Red blood cells
- erytho­cyte, de-nuc­leated, contain hemoglobin
- O + CO2 transport
largest %
White blood cells
-leuko­cyte, colour­les­s,w­/nu­cluei, increase when fighting infection
--gran­ulo­cytes: engluf and destroy foreign bodies, Largest
--mono­cytes: ^|, also leaves blood stream to destroy macrop­hages
--lyph­ocytes: include B+T cells, formation of antibodies
- thromb­ocytes, no nueclus bc fragment of larger cell from bone marrow, smallest
- key role in cloting:
thrombus- clot that seals blood vessel
embolus- clot that dislodges+ carries through cu=