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Uptale - Platform Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheatsheet for Uptale platform and editor keyboard shortcuts and tricks.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Ctrl + Space
Save experience
If a tag is selected, moves it to the pointer's location

Launch Page

Pre-select French as experience language. Replace 'fr' with any supported language
Disables the language picker to prevent the learner from changing language
Hides the language picker altogether
Pre-select Preload as launch mode. Will wait until the experience is entirely downloaded before starting
Pre-select Smartload as launch mode. Will load the experience in the background in an optimized fashioned to avoid loading screens as much as possible
Pre-select Stream as launch mode. Will attempt to play the experience through streaming without pre-lo­ading any content
To use these features, add the command to the launch page url of the experience that you wish to share.

For instance, to share experience with id yNJSPL­fr2­0WV­x2h­ykDmaVQ with English as mandatory language and with preloading enabled, use: