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CS 291 Formula's Cheat Sheet by

Heins Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability Notes


¬, ∃x,∀y (Highest, do first)
→ (Lowest, do last)

Basic Equiva­lences


Basic Equiva­lences

Some Conver­sions
𝐴 →𝐵≡¬𝐴∨𝐵
¬(𝐴 →𝐵)≡𝐴∧¬𝐵
𝐴 →𝐵≡𝐴∧¬­𝐵→False
∧ and ∨ are associ­ative
(𝐴 ∧𝐵)∧𝐶 ≡𝐴∧(𝐵∧𝐶)
(𝐴 ∨𝐵)∨𝐶 ≡𝐴∨(𝐵∨𝐶)
∧ and ∨ are commut­ativity
∧ and ∨ are Distri­but­ivity

Proof Rules

Conjun­ction (Conj)
𝐴, 𝐵 / 𝐴∧𝐵
Simpli­fic­ation (Simp)
𝐴∧𝐵 / 𝐴 and
𝐴∧𝐵 / 𝐵
Addition (Add)
𝐴 / 𝐴∨𝐵 and
𝐵 / 𝐴∨𝐵
Disjun­ctive Syllogism (DS)
𝐴 ∨ 𝐵, ¬𝐴 / 𝐵
𝐴 ∨ 𝐵, ¬𝐴 / 𝐵
Modus Ponens (MP)
𝐴, 𝐴 →𝐵 / 𝐵
Condit­ional Proof (CP)
From𝐴, derive 𝐵/𝐴 →𝐵
Double Negation (DN)
¬¬𝐴 / 𝐴
𝐴 /¬¬𝐴
Contra­diction (Contr)
𝐴, ¬𝐴 / False
Indirect Proof (IP)
From¬𝐴, derive False / 𝐴
These are all fractions with the first term appearing on top and the second one on the bottom.

/ this slash denotes where a fraction will be located

CS 310 Lecture 5

Array Data Structure
A linear data structure defined as a collection of elements with the same or different data types.
They exist in both single and multiple dimensions
Terms to understand the concept of Array.
o Element − Each item stored in an array is called an element.
o Index − Each location of an element in an array has a numerical index.

CS 310 Lecture 5

Array Update Operation
1. Start
2. Set LA[K-1] = ITEM
3. Stop

CS 310 Lecture 5

Common Features of Linked List
➢Node: Each element in a LL is repres­ented by a node, contains two compon­ents:
➢Data: The actual data or value associated with the element.
➢Next Pointer: A reference or pointer or address to the next node in the LL.
➢Head: The first node in a LL is called the “head.” It serves as the starting point.
➢Tail: The last node in a linked list is called the “tail.”
➢Data structures can be added to or removed from the LL during execution.
➢Unlike an array, LL is a dynami­cally allocated DS that can grow and shrink.
➢No elements need to be shifted after insertion and deletion.
➢Various DSs can be implem­ented using an LL, such as stack, queue, graphs, hash, etc.
➢Linked list contains 0 or more nodes. Last node points to null(a­ddress 0)

CS 310 Lecture 5

LIST-T­rav­ersal (L)
1. Curr = L.head
2. While != NULL
3. PRINT Curr

CS 310 Lecture 5

Linked List: Searching a Node
LIST-S­ear­ching (L,k)
1. Curr = L.head
2. While Curr != NULL and Curr.key != k
3. Curr =
4. return Curr

CS 310 Lecture 5

Doubly­-linked list: Inserting at the beginning

➢The task can be performed by using the following 5 steps:

➢Firstly, allocate a new node.

➢Now put the required data in the new node.

➢Make the next of new_node point to the current head of the DLL.

➢Make the previous of the current head point to new_node.

➢Lastly, point head to new_node.

Basic Equiva­lences

A ⋁ True ≣ True
A ⋁ False ≣ A
A ⋁ A ≣ A
A ⋁ ¬A ≣ True

Basic Equiva­lences

Absorption Laws
𝐴∧(𝐴∨𝐵) ≡ 𝐴
𝐴∨(𝐴∧𝐵) ≡ 𝐴
𝐴∧(¬𝐴∨𝐵) ≡ 𝐴∧𝐵

Program Correc­tness

AA (Assig­nment axiom)
{𝑄(𝑥/𝑡)} 𝑥 ≔ 𝑡 {𝑄}
Conseq­uence rules (A & B)
𝑃 →𝑅 and {𝑅} 𝑆 {𝑄} / {𝑃} 𝑆 {𝑄}
{𝑃} 𝑆 {𝑇} and 𝑇 →𝑄 / {𝑃} 𝑆 {𝑄}
Loop invari­ants: A loop invariant is a condition that does not change after a loop has executed I.e. P

Derived Proof Rules

Modus Tollens (MT)
𝐴 →𝐵, ¬𝐵 / ¬𝐴
Hypoth­etical Syllogism (HS)
𝐴 → 𝐵, 𝐵 → 𝐶 / 𝐴 → 𝐶
Proof by Cases (Cases)
𝐴∨𝐵, 𝐴→𝐶, 𝐵→𝐶 / 𝐶
Constr­uctive Dilemma (CD)
𝐴 ∨ 𝐵, 𝐴 → 𝐶, 𝐵 → D / 𝐶 ∨D
Destru­ctive Dilemma (DD)
𝐴 →𝐵, 𝐶 →𝐷, ¬𝐵∨¬D / ¬𝐴∨¬𝐶

CS 310 Lecture 5

CS 310 Lecture 5

Operations in Arrays
o Traverse − print all the array elements one by one.
o Insertion − Adds an element at the given index.
o Deletion − Deletes an element at the given index.
o Search − Searches an element using the index or value.
o Update − Updates an element at the given index.
o Display − Displays the contents of the array.

CS 310 Lecture 5

Array Search Operation
1. Start
2. Set J = 0
3. Repeat steps 4 and 5 while J < N
5. Set J = J +1
7. Stop

CS 310 Lecture 5

➢Singly Linked List: Every node stores the address of the next node in the list and the last node
has the next address NULL.

CS 310 Lecture 5

Linked List: Operations
➢Accessing Elemen­ts/­Tra­ver­sing: Accessing a specific element in a linked list takes O(n) time since nodes are stored in non-co­nti­guous locations, so random access is not possible.
➢Searc­hing: Searching a node in an LL takes O(n) time, as the whole list needs to be traversed in the worst case.
➢Inser­tion: If we are at the position where we insert the element, insertion takes O (1) time.
➢Deletion a/Destroy the list: Deletion takes O(1) time if we know the element’s position to be deleted.

CS 310 Lecture 5

➢Doubly Linked Lists: Each node has two pointers: one pointing to the next node and one
pointing to the previous node. Allows for efficient traversal in both direct­ions.

CS 310 Lecture 5

LIST-I­nsert (L,x,k)
1. if L.Head == NULL
2. L.Head = x and Exit
3. While Curr.key !=k and Curr !=NULL
4. prevN = Curr
5. Curr = Curr.Next
6. If PrevN == NULL
7. = L.Head
8. Head = x and exit
9. PrevN = Curr and Curr = Curr.Next
10. x.Next = Curr
11. PrevN.Next = x

CS 310 Lecture 5

Doubly­-linked list: Inserting at the end

➢This can be done using the following 7 steps:

➢Create a new node (say new_node).

➢Put the value in the new node.

➢Make the next pointer of new_node as null.

➢If the list is empty, make new_node as the head.

➢Other­wise, travel to the end of the linked list.

➢Now make the next pointer of last node point to new_node.

➢Change the previous pointer of new_node to the last node of the list.

Basic Equiva­lences

A ⋀ True ≣ A
A ⋀ False ≣ False
A ⋀ A ≣ A
A ⋀ ¬A ≣ False

Basic Equiva­lences

Absorption Laws
𝐴∧(𝐴∨𝐵) ≡ 𝐴
𝐴∨(𝐴∧𝐵) ≡ 𝐴
𝐴∧(¬𝐴∨𝐵) ≡ 𝐴∧𝐵

Program Correc­tness

AA (Assig­nment axiom)
{𝑄(𝑥/𝑡)} 𝑥 ≔ 𝑡 {𝑄}
Conseq­uence rules (A & B)
𝑃 →𝑅 and {𝑅} 𝑆 {𝑄} / {𝑃} 𝑆 {𝑄}
{𝑃} 𝑆 {𝑇} and 𝑇 →𝑄 / {𝑃} 𝑆 {𝑄}
Compos­ition rule
{𝑃} 𝑆1 {𝑄} and {𝑄} 𝑆2 {𝑅} / {𝑃} 𝑆1;𝑆2 {𝑅}
If-then Rule
{𝑃 ∧𝐶} 𝑆 {𝑄} and 𝑃 ∧¬𝐶 → 𝑄
{𝑃} if 𝐶 then 𝑆 {𝑄}
If-the­n-else rule
{𝑃 ∧𝐶} 𝑆1 {𝑄} and {𝑃 ∧¬𝐶} 𝑆2 {𝑄} / {𝑃} if 𝐶 then 𝑆1 else 𝑆2 {𝑄}
While rule
{𝑃 ∧𝐶} 𝑆 {𝑃} / {𝑃} while 𝐶 do 𝑆 {𝑃 ∧¬𝐶}
Loop invari­ants: A loop invariant is a condition that does not change after a loop has executed I.e. P

CS 310 Lecture 5

CS 310 Lecture 5

Array Deletion Operation
1. Start
2. Set J = K-1
3. Repeat steps 4 and 5 while J < N
4. Set LA[J] = LA[J + 1]
5. Set J = J+1
6. Set N = N-1
7. Stop
N - is the size of the array

CS 310 Lecture 5

Array Insertion Operation
1. Start
2. Create an Array of a desired datatype and size.
3.Init­ialize a variable 'i' as 0.
4. Enter the element at the i-th index of the array.
5. Increment i by 1
6. Repeat Steps 4 & 5 until the end of the array.
7. Stop

CS 310 Lecture 5

➢Circular Linked Lists: A circular linked list is a type of linked list in which the first and the last
nodes are also connected to form a circle. There is no NULL at the end.

CS 310 Lecture 5

Linked List: Empty List
➢If a list currently contains 0 nodes, it is called the empty list.
➢In this case, the list head points to null

CS 310 Lecture 5

LIST-A­ppend (L; x)
1. if L.head == NULL
2. L.head = x and Exit
3. Curr = L.head
3. While != NULL
Curr =
4. = x

New Node is added to the end of the list

CS 310 Lecture 5

Adjusting pointer around the node to be deleted

LIST-D­elete (L, k)
1. if L.Head == NULL
2. Exit
3. While Curr.key !=k and Curr !=NULL
4. PrevN = Curr
5. Curr = Curr.Next
6. If PrevN == NULL
7. Curr = Head.Next
8. delete Head and exit
9. PrevN.Next = Curr.Next
10. Delete Curr

CS 310 Lecture 5

Circul­ar-­linked list operat­ions:
➢Inser­tion: Inserting At the Beginning, at the end, and after a given node.
➢Deletion: Deleting from the Beginning, the end, and a Specific Node
➢Display: This process displays the elements of a CLL.

Basic Equiva­lences

A → True ≣ True
A → False ≣ ¬A
True → A ≣ A
False → A ≣ True
A → A ≣ True

Basic Equiva­lences

De Morgan's Laws
¬(𝐴∧𝐵) ≡ ¬𝐴∨¬𝐵
¬(𝐴∨𝐵) ≡ ¬𝐴∧¬𝐵


"An equiva­lence to be careful with"
∃𝑥(𝑝(𝑥) → 𝑞(𝑥)) ≡ ∀𝑥𝑝(𝑥) → ∃𝑥𝑞(𝑥)


Negations of quanti­fiers
¬(∀𝑥𝑊) ≡ ∃𝑥¬W
¬(∃𝑥𝑊) ≡ ∀𝑥¬W


Formalize English sentences and entire arguments into FOPC
∀𝑥 quantifies a condit­ional
∃𝑥 quantifies a conjun­ction
∀𝑥 with condit­ional for “all,” “every,” and “only.”
∃𝑥 with conjun­ction for “some,” “there is,” and “not all.”
∀𝑥 with condit­ional or ¬∃𝑥 with conjun­ction for “no A is B.”
∃𝑥 with conjun­ction or ¬∀𝑥 with condit­ional for “not all A’s are B.”

Inference Rules FOPC

Universal instan­tiation requires that 𝑡 is free to replace 𝑥 in 𝑊(𝑥):
∀𝑥𝑊(𝑥) / 𝑊(𝑡)
There are two special cases for UI:
∀𝑥𝑊(𝑥) / 𝑊(𝑥)
∀𝑥𝑊(𝑥) / 𝑊(𝑐)
Existe­ntial genera­liz­ation requires that 𝑡 is free to replace 𝑥 in 𝑊(𝑥)
𝑊(𝑡) / ∃𝑥𝑊(𝑥)
Existe­ntial genera­liz­ation requires that 𝑡 is free to replace 𝑥 in 𝑊(𝑥):
𝑊(𝑡) / ∃𝑥𝑊(𝑥)
There are two special cases for EG:
𝑊(𝑥) / ∃𝑥𝑊(𝑥)
𝑊(𝑐) / ∃𝑥𝑊(𝑥)
Universal Genera­liz­ation
∃𝑥𝑊(𝑥) / 𝑊(𝑐)
UI & EI Add A and E from problem; UG, EG, Take the away A and E in the problem.

CS 310 Lecture 5

Array Traversal Operation
1. Start
2. Initialize an Array, LA. // 1. Initialize an array called LA
3. Initia­lize, i = 0. // 2. Set i - 0
4. Print the LA[i] and increment i. // 3. Repeat Steps 4-5 while i < N
5. Repeat Step 4 until the end of the array. // 4. Print LA[i]
6. End // 5. Increment the value of i by one. (Set i = i + 1)
// represent possible modifi­cations you can do that would still be counted as correct

CS 310 Lecture 5

➢An abstract data type (ADT) in data structure is a data type defined with the help of some attributes and some functions
➢An abstract data type in the data structure can be
➢A list data structure
➢A stack data structure
➢A queue data structure
➢Linked List: A LL is a linear data structure constr­ucted like a chain of nodes where
➢Each node contains a data field
➢A refere­nce­(li­nk/­add­res­s/a­rra­y-I­ndices) to the next node in the list.
➢Unlike Arrays, Linked List elements are not stored at a contiguous location.

CS 310 Lecture 5

Doubly­-linked list: Operations

➢Inser­tion: Inserting At the Beginning, at the end, after a given node, and before a
given node.

➢Deletion: Deleting from the Beginning, end, and a specific node of the list

➢Display: This process displays the elements of a doubly LL.

CS 310 Lecture 5

Doubly­-linked list: Inserting after a given node

➢ Inserting after a given node can be done by:

➢Firstly create a new node (say new_node).

➢Now insert the data in the new node.

➢Point the next of new_node to the next of prev_node.

➢Point the next of prev_node to new_node.

➢Point the previous of new_node to prev_node.

➢Change the pointer of the new node’s previous pointer to new_node.


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