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Flussonic Media Server Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


curl -sSf | sh
/etc/init.d/flussonic start

Updating for Debian and Ubuntu

apt-get update
apt-get -y install flussonic
/etc/init.d/flussonic restart

License Key

The license key is stored in the file

Service Definition Example

stream Program_Name {
  url tshttp:// program=2;
  transcoder vb=1000k external=true hw=qsv gen_pts=no deinterlace=true ab=128k;
  push udp://;

Service Type

launched upon a start of the server
start upon user's request
ondemand ipcam {

  url rtsp:/­/19­2.1­68.0.1­/ch­ann­el/101; 


Multi-­bitrate Service

stream Program_Name {
  url udp:// mbr=1;
  url udp:// mbr=1;
  url udp:// mbr=1;
  url udp:// mbr=1;
To merge two indepe­ndent sources of the same content to create a multi-­bitrate stream, use the option mbr=1.

Source Stream Placeh­older

stream rtr {
  url tshttp://;
  backup vod/backup.mp4;
If a stream becomes unavai­lable, Flussonic can substitute it with a backup video from a video file.

Service Thumbnails

stream ort {
  url udp://;
Add the thumbnails option in the stream settings.
Screenshot of a stream is available at