A list is a data structure in Python that is a mutable, or changeable, ordered sequence of elements. |
Access Items (Same for tuples)
Print the second item of the list: |
print(thislist[1]) |
Print the last item of the list: |
print(thislist[-1]) |
A range of indexes by specifying where to start and where to end the range. |
print(thislist[2:5]) |
Returns the items from the beginning to, but NOT including, "kiwi" |
print(thislist[:4]) |
Returns the items from "cherry" to the end |
print(thislist[2:]) |
Returns the items from "orange" (-4) to, but NOT including "mango" (-1) |
print(thislist[-4:-1]) |
Check if "apple" is present in the list |
if "apple" in thislist: print("Yes, 'apple' is in the fruits list") |
thislist = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "orange", "kiwi", "melon", "mango"]
List Methods
append() |
Adds an element at the end of the list |
list.append (element) |
clear() |
Removes all the elements from the list |
list.clear() |
copy() |
Returns a copy of the list |
list.copy() |
count() |
Returns the number of elements with the specified value |
List.count(element) |
extend() |
Add the elements of a list (or any iterable), to the end of the current list |
List1.extend(List2) |
index() |
Returns the index of the first element with the specified value |
List.index(element[,start[,end]]) |
insert() |
Adds an element at the specified position |
list.insert(<position, element) |
pop() |
Removes the element at the specified position |
list.pop([index]) |
remove() |
Removes the first item with the specified value |
list.remove(element) |
reverse() |
Reverses the order of the list |
list_name.reverse() |
sort() |
Sorts the list |
List_name.sort() |
del() |
Element to be deleted is mentioned using list name and index. |
del list.[index] |
List Comprehension
Containing only the fruits with the letter "a" in the name. |
newlist = [x for x in fruits if "a" in x] |
Only accept items that are not "apple": |
newlist = [x for x in fruits if x != "apple"] |
Accept only numbers lower than 5: |
newlist = [x for x in range(10) if x < 5] |
Set the values in the new list to upper case: |
newlist = [x.upper() for x in fruits] |
Set all values in the new list to 'hello': |
newlist = ['hello' for x in fruits] |
Return "orange" instead of "banana": |
newlist = [x if x != "banana" else "orange" for x in fruits] |
List comprehension offers a shorter syntax when you want to create a new list based on the values of an existing list.
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "kiwi", "mango"]
newlist = []
for x in fruits:
if "a" in x:
The Syntax
newlist = [expression for item in iterable if condition == True]
The return value is a new list, leaving the old list unchanged.
A tuple is a collection of objects which ordered and immutable. The differences between tuples and lists are, the tuples cannot be changed unlike lists and tuples use parentheses, whereas lists use square brackets. |
Add Items
Since tuples are immutable, they do not have a build-in append() method, but there are other ways to add items to a tuple.
Convert the tuple into a list, add "orange", and convert it back into a tuple: |
thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry")
y = list(thistuple)
thistuple = tuple(y)
Add tuple to a tuple.
You are allowed to add tuples to tuples, so if you want to add one item, (or many), create a new tuple with the item(s), and add it to the existing tuple
Create a new tuple with the value "orange", and add that tuple: |
thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry")
y = ("orange",)
thistuple += y
Access Items
You cannot access items in a set by referring to an index or a key.
But you can loop through the set items using a for loop, or ask if a specified value is present in a set, by using the in keyword.
thisset = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
for x in thisset:
print(x) |
Once a set is created, you cannot change its items, but you can add new items.
Tuple Methods
count() |
Returns the number of times a specified value occurs in a tuple |
index() |
Searches the tuple for a specified value and returns the position of where it was found |
Remove Items
Convert the tuple into a list, remove "apple", and convert it back into a tuple:
thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry")
y = list(thistuple)
thistuple = tuple(y) |
The del keyword can delete the tuple completely:
thistuple = ("apple", "banana", "cherry")
del thistuple
print(thistuple) #this will raise an error because the tuple no longer exists
Change Tuple Values
Once a tuple is created, you cannot change its values. Tuples are unchangeable, or immutable as it also is called.
But there is a workaround. You can convert the tuple into a list, change the list, and convert the list back into a tuple. |
x = ("apple", "banana", "cherry")
y = list(x)
y[1] = "kiwi"
x = tuple(y)
A Set is an unordered collection data type that is iterable, mutable and has no duplicate elements. |
Add Items
To add one item to a set use the add() method.
Add an item to a set, using the add() method:
thisset = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
print(thisset) |
To add items from another set into the current set, use the update() method.
Add elements from tropical into thisset:
thisset = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
tropical = {"pineapple", "mango", "papaya"}
The object in the update() method does not have to be a set, it can be any iterable object (tuples, lists, dictionaries etc.).
Remove Set Items
remove() |
thisset.remove("banana") |
discard() |
thisset.discard("banana") |
clear() |
method empties the set |
del keyword |
will delete the set completely(del thisset) |
We can also use the pop() method to remove an item, but this method will remove the last item. Remember that sets are unordered, so you will not know what item that gets removed.
The return value of the pop() method is the removed item.
thisset = {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
x = thisset.pop()
Set Methods
add() |
Adds an element to the set |
clear() |
Removes all the elements from the set |
copy() |
Returns a copy of the set |
difference() |
Returns a set containing the difference between two or more sets |
difference_update() |
Removes the items in this set that are also included in another, specified set |
discard() |
Remove the specified item |
intersection() |
Returns a set, that is the intersection of two other sets |
intersection_update() |
Removes the items in this set that are not present in other, specified set(s) |
isdisjoint() |
Returns whether two sets have a intersection or not |
issubset() |
Returns whether another set contains this set or not |
issuperset() |
Returns whether this set contains another set or not |
pop() |
Removes an element from the set |
remove() |
Removes the specified element |
symmetric_difference() |
Returns a set with the symmetric differences of two sets |
symmetric_difference_update() |
inserts the symmetric differences from this set and another |
union() |
Return a set containing the union of sets |
update() |
Update the set with the union of this set and others |
Dictionary in Python is a collection of keys values, used to store data values like a map, which, unlike other data types which hold only a single value as an element. |
Adding Items in Dictionary
Adding an item to the dictionary is done by using a new index key and assigning a value to it:
thisdict = {
"brand": "Ford",
"model": "Mustang",
"year": 1964
thisdict["color"] = "red"
print(thisdict) |
The update() method will update the dictionary with the items from a given argument. If the item does not exist, the item will be added.
The argument must be a dictionary, or an iterable object with key:value pairs.
Add a color item to the dictionary by using the update() method:
thisdict = {
"brand": "Ford",
"model": "Mustang",
"year": 1964
thisdict.update({"color": "red"})
Removing Items in Dictionary
The pop() method removes the item with the specified key name: |
thisdict.pop("model") |
The popitem() method removes the last inserted item |
thisdict.popitem() |
The del keyword removes the item with the specified key name: |
del thisdict["model"] |
The del keyword can also delete the dictionary completely: |
del thisdict |
The clear() method empties the dictionary |
thisdict.clear() |
thisdict = {
"brand": "Ford",
"model": "Mustang",
"year": 1964
Dictionary Methods
clear() |
Removes all the elements from the dictionary |
dictionary.clear() |
copy() |
Returns a copy of the dictionary |
dictionary.copy() |
fromkeys() |
Returns a dictionary with the specified keys and value |
dict.fromkeys(keys, value) |
get() |
Returns the value of the specified key |
dictionary.get(keyname, value) |
items() |
Returns a list containing a tuple for each key value pair |
dictionary.items() |
keys() |
Returns a list containing the dictionary's keys |
dictionary.keys() |
pop() |
Removes the element with the specified key |
dictionary.pop(keyname, defaultvalue) |
popitem() |
Removes the last inserted key-value pair |
dictionary.popitem() |
setdefault() |
Returns the value of the specified key. If the key does not exist: insert the key, with the specified value |
dictionary.setdefault(keyname, value) |
update() |
Updates the dictionary with the specified key-value pairs |
dictionary.update(iterable) |
values() |
Returns a list of all the values in the dictionary |
dictionary.values() |
Python Modules
Import our program as python module
-> Create file in notepad using .py extension
-> Upload it in sample data
-> Copy path of the uploaded file |
from google.colab import files
!cp path /content
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