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BIOL 112 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Biology 112 Midterm 1

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Prokar­yotes vs. Eukaryotes

No nucleus or membrane bound organe­lles. DNA is contained in the nucleoid, and single circular chromo­some. Contain pili, ribosomes and cell wall. Approx. 1-10 microm­eters in size. (Kingdom Archaea and Bacteria)
Membra­ne-­bound organe­lles. DNA in nucleus and multiple linear chromo­somes. Approx 10-100 microm­eters (about ten times larger). (Kingdom Eukarya)
Cell Size
1) Dilution problem- if nutrients are limiting, it is hard to concen­trate them in a large volume. Eukary­ote­s--­-> can concen­trate nutrients into compar­tments.
2) Surface Area to Volume Ratio- As cell increases, surface are increases by a factor of 2 and volume increases by a factor of 3. Eukary­ote­s--­->have internal membranes that increases surface are.
Prokar­yot­es-­--> Grow long and skinny. Or remain really small.

Macrom­olecule Table