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Decision-Making in Public Policy Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Methods of decision-making

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Different kinds of Decisions

intended to alter the status quo in some way
will do nothing new about a public problem but will retain the status quo

ideal scenarios policy effort­/policy solution

propor­tio­nate: Large
A severe problems generates a large response
small problem encounters a similarly small expend­iture of government resources
Dispro­por­tio­nate: Over-s­hooting
over-s­hoots the severity and do not adequately match the nature of the underlying propblem
Dispro­por­tio­nate: under-­sho­oting
under-­shoots the severity, less developed research

Theories of decision making

Early rational and increm­ental models
Compre­hensive and Bounde­d-R­ati­onality Models k
Increm­ental model
Mixed-­sca­nning models
Garbage Can models
"­Dec­ision Accret­ion­" model

The Rational model

Public policy­-making was inherently a search for maximizing solutions to complex problems in which policy­-re­levant inform­ation was gathered and then used in a scientific mode of assessing policy options
More preferable for showing how decisions ought to be taken to assure maximum results
"­Rat­ion­al" in the sense that it prescribes decisi­on-­making procedures that, in theory, will consis­tently lead to chosing the most efficient means of achieving policy goals
Achieved through the ordered gathering of relevant inform­ation
Not always possible to achieve "­ful­l" ration­ality in practice
Simon, 1955: Bounded ration­ality