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samudragupta Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Why is Samudragupta called the Napolean of india/military campaigns

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


1) son and successor of Chandr­agupta I
2) Greatest Warrior, Great diplomat, farsighted king,
3) has been called by several names- 'kavir­aj'­,'hero of hundred battles', 'Napoleon of Indai'


1) coins
2) Literary dramas of Kalidas
3) Foreign Traveler's accounts- Fa hein
4) Inscri­ptions- Allahbad Pillar Inscri­ption wriiten by Harisena (biogr­aphy)
5) It is written in two forms- words and prose
6) First 8 stanzas- education and military training; he wasn't a crown prince but was nominated by his dad
7) Inform­ation about military campaigns in the later part of the inscri­ption

Military Campaigns

1) there were 9 powerful kings in northern india- Naga kings : Ganapati Naga, Nagsena and Nandini
he wanted to control northern india and was successful in his first campaign
estb. supremacy in north india; defeated and killed some of the kings.
2) South India- Samudra was attracted to this territory due to the immense wealth due to trade ease present in this region
Defeated not less than 12 kings; however he did not annex the deccan and the peninsular region; he was happy that the kings submitted to his authority
3) Forest Tribes of central and western India- they submitted to the authority to samudr­agupta and paid him tributes (info from Eran inscri­ption)
4) Frontier Kingdoms- The rulers of Nepal, Assam and Bengal submitted to the military might of the gupta empire and agreed to pay taxes and tributes to samudr­agupta

Relations with Ceylon

The king of Ceylon sent 2 buddhist monks to Bodhgaya- faced inconv­eni­ence- lack of accomm­odation
Samudr­agupta agreed to build a buddhist monastry in Bodhgaya upon the request of King of Ceylon


showcased many qualities of head and heart
he was cultured, surrounded himself with learned people
endowed with poetic and musical talent of high order
coins depicting him playing a vina; Kaviraj- king of poets
patron of letters, appointed buddhist scholar Vasubandhu as a minister
harisena describes his as a kind and charitable king
RC Majumdar and Vincent Smith