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Kanishka's Contribution to Buddhism Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Kanishka's contribution to Buddhism

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Many archeo­logical give inform­ation about kanishka's contri­bution and belief in buddhism
Ashwagosh wrote Buddha­cha­ritra was respon­sible for Kanishka's conversion

Steps taken by Kanishka

1) Assemblies and Buddhist Councils
2) 4th Buddhist Council was held during this period
3) In the 4th Council, commen­taries were written on 3 Pitakas and Tripitaka
4) An encycl­opedia called Mahavi­bhasha was prepared
5) Council was attended by many eminent buddhist scholars - Ashwag­hosh, Vashumitra etc
6) During his period, Buddhism got divided in Hinayana and Mahayana

Hinayana and Mahayna Buddhism

Hins. don't believe in idol worship to get moksha
Maha. believe in idol worship to get Moksha
Buddha was elevated from prophet to god
Kanishka was a great supporter, sent missio­naries to Japan, Tibet and China
Mahayana became more popular
Gandhra School of Art


great empire builder
strong follower of Mahayana Buddhism
Because of Ashoka and Kanishka, Buddhism became the religion of many states