Cheatsheet for spell keybindings on my heavily modded Skyrim mage playthrough.
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
M5 Hotkeys (1-8) Weapon/Shield + Main Stuff
1 |
Main 2H Sword |
2 |
Main Shield |
3 |
Free left hand |
4 |
Secondary 2H Sword |
5 |
Secondary Shield |
6 |
7 |
8 |
ALT Hotkeys (25-32) Alteration
1 (25) |
Malviser's Gauntlet |
2 (26) |
Tharn's Prison |
3 (27) |
Paralysis |
4 (28) |
Tumble Magnet |
5 (29) |
Thrumming Stone |
6 (30) |
Acceleration Rune |
7 (31) |
Hethoth's Grimoire |
8 (32) |
Talons of Nirn |
G Hotkeys (49-56) Powers/Shouts
1 (49) |
Blood Cauldron |
2 (50) |
Blood Revel (Wassail) |
3 (51) |
4 (52) |
5 (53) |
6 (54) |
7 (55) |
8 (56) |
M4 Hotkeys (9-16) Destruction
1 (9) |
2 (10) |
3 (11) |
4 (12) |
5 (13) |
6 (14) |
7 (15) |
8 (16) |
CTRL Hotkeys (33-40) Other
1 (33) |
2 (34) |
3 (35) |
4 (36) |
5 (37) |
6 (38) |
7 (39) |
8 (40) |
H Hotkeys (57-64) Hemomancy
1 (57) |
Vampiric Drain |
2 (58) |
Blood Seed |
3 (59) |
Blood Brand |
4 (60) |
Blood Garden |
5 (61) |
Blood Scourge |
6 (62) |
Blood Ankh |
7 (63) |
8 (64) |
Shift Hotkeys (17-24) Illusion
1 (17) |
Fury |
2 (18) |
Calm |
3 (19) |
Fear |
4 (20) |
Courage |
5 (21) |
Invisibility |
6 (22) |
7 (23) |
8 (24) |
X Hotkeys (41-48) Other
1 (41) |
Longstride |
2 (42) |
Summon Inigo |
3 (43) |
Mystic Wind |
4 (44) |
Healing Spell |
5 (45) |
Heal Other Spell |
6 (46) |
Fall Spell |
7 (47) |
Milestones |
8 (48) |
Fabricate Object |
F-Keys (F1-F8) Equipment
F1 |
F2 |
F3 |
F4 |
F5 |
F6 |
F7 |
Thieves' Guild Armor |
F8 |
Main Mage Armor |