AccelQ Terms
Test suite |
built of a group of scenarios. Used to run multiple scenarios |
Scenario |
built of actions to complete a flow fx. create learning program etc |
Test case |
a variation in test data/variables of the same scenario |
Action |
built of a group of statements fx navigate to app, click save button |
Statement |
A single line in the action/scenario builder. Usually a single command of AccelQ fx. click on webelement, verify text is present etc |
Command |
a single command of AccelQ fx. click on webelement, verify text is present etc |
Context |
same as a page in the application fx. Login page, home page, learning program page |
View |
part of a context where AccelQ records the entire page with all elements with screenshot, related actions, elements etc |
Elements |
details about WebElements that are saved in AccelQ to locate an WebElement so we can interact with the element via commands |
Parameters |
define input and outputs for actions and commands |
Commands Help
/ |
access to programing logic fx if, while, repeat, expressions etc |
Click |
click on an element |
Enter |
type text in an element |
Get |
get information fx get text from an element, or get dates from AccelQ |
Is |
allows you to ask true/false questions. Fx is this text displayed, is this image present |
Log |
allow you to get information in the console, fx warnings, info etc |
Select |
useful for dropdowns fx select item x in dropdown |
Assert |
checks if an element is present, image is present etc. It causes the testcase to abort if used |
Verify |
used for verifications. Does not abort testcase if fails fx check Learning Program is displayed, check this text etc |
Wait |
makes accelq wait for application to be ready. Use only where absolutely necessary and try using waits that wait for a certain element, instead of that wait for time |
Convert |
converts date, time etc to another format |
Find column/row |
finds the coordinates of text in a table |
String |
used when you need commands about managing text |
Web Element |
when you want to interact or get information from element |
Hover |
hover with mouse over something |
Send |
Usually send commands externally fx. Send Keyboard Key |
Best Practices
Avoid hardcoding / static test data |
make AccelQ generate testdata such as dates, text with random strings etc |
Avoid code duplication |
If you see repeated actions and statements, think if its possible to convert to a reusable action |
Avoid explicit waits |
Use waiting for elements or actions that wait for a certain state |
Keep actions short |
Short actions are more reusable and easier to mantain |
Make scenarios easy to read |
Name actions appropriately and describe what they do so it's easy to understand what the scenario does |
Manage your contexts |
Name them and ensure that all you actions have their contexts mapped correctly |
Search before create |
Search for AccelQ commands and actions others have already created before trying to add your own |
Useful patterns
while pattern |
while something is true/false do somtehing. Fx while learning program is not displayed wait 2 seconds and click refresh button |
Common WebElement Attributes