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Risk Management Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Risk Management

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Address Perception of RM Not Being Real Work

- Past successes
- Past failures
- Utilize your compet­ition
- 3rd party references
- Published articles, HBR, business stories, etc.

Risk Score & Rankings

Risk rating – Number between 1 and 10 chosen to evaluate the probab­ility or impact of a risk
Risk score – Multiply probab­ility and impact
Risk score for the project – Sum of all risk scores for the project
Risk ranking within the project – Rank of risk compared to all other risks

Corporate Risk Culture & OPAs

- Stakeh­older thresholds & tolerances
- Include policies, procedures and templates for risk management
- Include forms, processes, defini­tions of standard roles and respon­sib­ilities
-- Reporting forms for risk
-- Standard P/I scales
-- Procedures for involv­ement of stakeh­olders in RM
-- Risk ranking standards for go/no-go decisions