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Chapter 18-25 Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Chapter 18

Federal Government
Indirect controls affecting provincial property (juris­diction over airports + harbours)
Provincial Government
Direct controls affecting property: ACLA, Health Act, Local Services Act
Local Government
local improv­ement district, regional district boards, municipal councils

Chapter 20

Electrical Base Board Heating (conve­ction)
advant­ages: no heat ducts/­pipe, no central furnace system, indepe­ndently controlled units
disadv­ant­ages: lack of air filtra­tion, baseboard occupies wall spacce
Central Gas Fired Forced Hot Air
rapid response, air filtra­tion, can add a/c, best for extreme outdoor temp. changes
requires ductwork under main floor
Central Gas Fired Forced Hot Water with Room Baseboard Units (conve­ction)
steady consistent heat, fully automated, clean temper­ature, convection
occupies wall space, slow response, freeze if not used
Wood Fired Space Heater
reduces heating expense, provides comfor­table heat (radiant and convec­tion)
only heats one room, fuel storage required, smoke/­ash­/dust, fire risk

Chapter 18: Zoning

Zoning Bylaws Include
official map (zone locations)
sections listing defini­tions used in bylaw, admini­str­ative sections dealing with rezoning
Outlines of regula­tions for each district
applicant proves ownership, staff review­/in­formal commen­tary, first reading or two by board member­s/c­ouncil, public hearing.
after hearing: majority council vote to pass
if board agrees: require applicant to meet requir­ements, fourth reading.
Changes may be withheld for up to 90 days b/c of upcoming bylaw change. Sue for lost wages may apply
Non Conforming Use: not allowed under current zoning, existed before current restri­ctions
Permits: local government provides:
develo­pment permit (change the bylaw)
develo­pment variance (change specific lot)
temporary commer­cia­l/i­ndu­strial permit
Subdiv­ision: set out by Land Title Act and Local Government Act
Approved through an office­r/c­lerk.
Local Government Act: subdiv­ision may regulate size, shape, dimensions of parcels of land and location, width, alignment and grade of highways
LGA: may also prescribe improv­ements for roads, sewers­/water lines.

Chapter 19

statutes --> legisl­ation
Net Taxable Value: the actual value of the real property, as determined by the assessor, less any applicable exempt­ions. This value, when multiplied by the tax rate, produces the amount of real payable
Real Property Taxes = Tax Rate x (Net Taxable Value)­/1000
Income Taxes = Tax Rate x Taxable Income
Variable Tax Rate System: used by municipal councils where different rates may be applied to different classes of property within a particular munici­pality
School Tax: (provi­ncial
General Tax: set and collected by local municipal council
Hospital District Tax, Regional District Tax

Chapter 20

Hard change:
imperial -> metric
Voltage: measure of electrical potential or pressure of current flow
Amperage: measure of the rate of current flow or quantity of electr­icity per unit of time
Wattage: measure of power consum­ption
Watts = Volts x Amps

Chapter 21

Variation in Sale Prices: time, advert­ising, sales between related parties, financing, special purchasers
Error in Appraisal: 5-10% depending on market circum­stances
Legal Appraisal Respon­sib­ili­ties: code of ethics different for different member­ships - courts have final say
Actions Available Against Appraiser: contract law (sue for breach of contract)
must prove contract was establ­ished, lost value, reasonably forese­eable to rely upon
Tort Law: sue for neglig­ence, third party who could be foreseen to rely.
Appraiser can protect themselves by adding disclaimer (or use for specific purpose)
Negligent Appraisal Compen­sation
1. neglig­ently prepared - actual value
2. calculate amount of loss as result of reliance
Expected Standard or Duty of Care for Appraisers
knowle­dgable, follow guidel­ines, reasonably relied upon