This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Python Comments
Example 3 """ This is a comment written in more than just one line """
Python Variables
x = "How old are you ?"
x = 25 #x now is of type int print(x) >>> 25
Python Data Types
Text Type: |
Numeric Types: |
Sequence Types: |
Mapping Type: |
Set Types: |
Boolean Type: |
Binary Types: |
bytes, bytearray, memoryview
Get the data type of a variable "var" |
Python Data Types Examples
Example |
Data Type |
x = ["Blue","Red","Yellow"]
x = ("Blue","Red","Yellow")
x = frozenset({"Pink","Red"})
x = memoryview(bytes(8))
Get the data type of x : |
x = "Color" print(type(x)) >>> str
Python Casting
Casting is used to specify a type on to a variable and this is done using constructor functions. Examples x = int(5)
#x = 5 x = int(2.8)
#x = 2 x = float(5)
#x = 5.0 x = float(2.8)
#x = 2.8 |