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BusinessAnalytics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

MGTA453 Final Review Sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Proportion Test
Used when making inferences about population proportion
Mean Test
Used when making inferences about a population mean parameter
Cross Tab
Used when invest­igating the relati­onship between two catego­rical (aka factor) variables
Used when you know the distri­butions of primitive random variables and want to generate the distri­butions of measures that are likely complex functions of these primitives
Regression Analysis
Used when invest­igating the relati­onship between dependent and indepe­ndent variables (can handle quanti­tative and catego­rical variables)

Use When

Used when making inferences about population poportion
--> i.e. Percentage women, percentage retired etc
--> testing against a known or fixed value (single Propor­tion)
--> Testing acriss two groups (compare propor­tions)

R code

## Single Proportion
result <- single_prop(
    dataset = "insurance",
     var = "fraudulent",
     lev = "Yes",
     comp_value = 0.098,
     alternative = "greater")
plot(result, plots = "simulate")