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Civo Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Civo CLI & Other details

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


civo apikey save
Save API Key with name and value
civo apikey set
Set API Key to use (from many saved)
civo apikey ls
List API Keys saved
civo apikey remove
Remove an API Key
civo apikey show
Show current (default) key

Civo Kubernetes

civo k8s create CLUSTE­R_NAME [flags]
Create new cluster
civo k8s ls
List all clusters
civo k8s remove NAME
Remove a cluster
civo k8s rename OLD NEW
Rename a cluster
civo k8s size
Show K8s instance sizes
Aliases for Kubernetes
- k8s
- kubernetes
- k3s
- kube
- talos

Civo Admini­str­ation

civo update
Update Civo CLI
civo region ls
List Civo regions
civo region use <Re­gio­n_c­ode>
Set current region
civo size ls
List Machine types
civo size ls --filter kubernetes
Filter by machine type Kubernetes