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RHCSA_Module2_OperateRunningSystems Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Module 2 Operate Running Systems

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Tuned Profiles

A service used for perfomance optimi­sation in an easy way
tuned-adm list
List current tuned profiles for use
tuned-adm profile desktop
Use Tuned profile Desktop
tuned-adm active

Setting up repository access

Create a local repository to install packages from RHEL 8 ISO disk

- Create an ISO image: dd if=/de­v/sr0 of=/rh­el8.iso bs=1M
- Create a directory /repo: mkdir /repo
- Edit /etc/fstab and add the following line: /rhel8.iso. /repo /iso 9660. defaults 0. 0
- Use Mount -a to mount the ISO
- Run Systemctl daemon­-reload

Accessing the local Repo

- Create the file /etc/y­um.r­ep­os.d­/a­pps­tre­am.repo with following contents




Run yum repolist to verify

Using yum modules

yum module list
Show all available modules
yum module provides httpd
Search the module providing specific package
yum module info httpd
More info on specific module
yum module info --profile php
Show profiles
yum module list php
Show which stream are available