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Nursing Skills: Unit 3 Cheat Sheet by

Unit 3: Consumer Rights and Responsibilities in Health Care. Textbook Nursing Assistant 11th edtion

Key Terms

Affordable Care Act (ACA)- a law that gives consumers control of their health care
Advance Directives- document signed before the diagnosis of the a terminal illness, when the individual is still in the good health, indicating the person's wishes regarding care during dying.
Client's Rights-document spelling rights of persons recieiving home health care
Continuity of Care- a care of practice in which health care is provided on a continuing basis from admission of discharge and beyond.
Grievance- situation in which a consumer feels there are grounds for complaint.
Informed Consent- permission given after full disclosure of the facts
Patient Care Partne­rship- rights that ensure that they will receive quality patient care.
Resident Rights- document that spells out rights of residents receiving care in long care facilities


Respon­sib­lities Of Health Care Consumers

Consumers must fulfill the following:
Mainta­ining personal health care records
Commun­icating openly and honestly with health caregivers
Informing health caregivers if can't follow the plan
Living a healthy lifestyle
Ask questions
Accepting respon­sib­ility for payment

Health care records


Consumer Rights

A health care consumers have rights, which are listed in a booklet called the Patient Care Partne­rship, to ensure that they will receive quality patient care.
Depending on where care is given, there are different documents for patient rights.
Staff is expected to be familiar with and protect each person's rights.
A copy of the Residents' Rights is given to each person before he or she is admitted to a skilled care .
The rights of residents in skilled care facilities were legislated by the federal gov't in Omnibus Budget Reconc­ili­ation Act (OBRA) of 1987.
People receiving care in their homes are given a copy of the Clients Rights
Each of these document is similar & emphasizes the rights of the patient, resident, or client to:
Be treated with respect & dignity.
Have the benefit of open & honest commun­ication with caregivers
Make health carer decisions & partic­ipate in care planning
Informed Consent
Receive Continuity of Care
Be informed of resources for resolving conflicts

The Affordable Care Act Patient's Bill of Rights

Gives consumers control of their own health care

Patients Care Partne­rship

Introduced by the American Hospital Associ­ation in 1972
Each bill focuses on a specific type of care for example:
EMS Patient's Bill of Rights
Hospice Patient's Bill of Rights
Mental Health Patient's Bill of Rights

Clients' Bill of Rights

Respon­sib­lities Of Health Care Consumers

Consumers must fulfill the following:
Mainta­ining personal health care records
Commun­icating openly and honestly with other health caregivers
Informing health caregives if can't follow the plan
Living a healthy lifestyle
Asking Questions
Accepting respon­sib­ility of payment


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