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adgasdg Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Manage Actions & Programs

Open or close the Start menu
[Windows] + [E]
Start Windows Explorer; path "­Com­put­er"
[Windows] + [R]
Open the "­Run­" command dialog box
[Windows] + [Pause]
Display the System Properties
[Windows] + [L]
Lock the keyboard / computer

Access Menu Bar

Activates the menu bar of the program
[Alt] + underlined letter
Perform the menu item / command

Select running Programs / Applications

[Alt] + [Tab]
Switch between open tasks / programs (+ [Shift] backwards)
[Alt] + [Esc]
See above, but cycles directly through running programs (+ [Shift] backward)

Arrange & Select & Move Windows

[Windows] + [D]
Display the desktop (and go back to application)
[Windows] + [M]
Minimize all windows (+ [Shift] = restore)
[Windows] + [←] / [→]
Minimize window / dock window to left / right
[Windows] + [↑] / [↓]
Maximize / minimize window
[Windows] + [1] .. [9]
Activates window number 1 . 9 of the task bar (+ [Shift] = new instance)
[Windows] + [T]
Cycle through programs on the taskbar (+ [Shift] backward)
[Windows] + [B]
Activates the taskbar
Left mouse button + [Shift]
Starts a new instance of the program in the taskbar
Left mouse button + [Shift] + [Ctrl]
... in admini­strator mode

Magnifying Glass

[Windows] + [+]
Activates the magnifier (= display utility)
[Windows] + [Esc]
De-activates the magnifier