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Java Programming Language Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Java Programming Language

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Brief History

Java is one of the most popular progra­mming languages worldwide. It was created by James Gosling and Patrick Naughton, employees of Sun Micros­ystems, with support from Bill Joy, co-founder of Sun Micros­ystems. Sun officially presented the Java language at SunWorld on May 23, 1995. Then, in 2009, the Oracle company bought the Sun company, which explains why the language now belongs to Oracle. Features Thanks to its excellent features, Java has become a popular and useful progra­mming language. Sun charac­terized it as being: Compiled and Interp­reted Platform Indepe­ndent and Portable Object­-Or­iented Robust and Secure Distri­buted Familiar, Simple and Small Multi-­thr­eaded and Intera­ctive High Perfor­mance Dynamic and Extensible Source:

Vital Features

Features Thanks to its excellent features, Java has become a popular and useful progra­mming language. Sun charac­terized it as being: Compiled and Interp­reted Platform Indepe­ndent and Portable Object­-Or­iented Robust and Secure Distri­buted Familiar, Simple and Small Multi-­thr­eaded and Intera­ctive High Perfor­mance Dynamic and Extensible Source:

Companies that used the language

“Progr­amming with Java” – E Balagu­rusamy. 10057 companies reportedly use Java in their tech stacks, including Uber, Airbnb, and Google. Uber. Airbnb. Google. Pinterest. Netflix. Instagram. Spotify. Amazon, etc.

Basic syntax

Object − Objects are known to possesses states and behaviors. For instance: A human being has states - color, name, and behavior and emotions. An object is also known as the instance of the class.
Class − It can be basically defined as a templa­te/­blu­eprint that is used to describe the behavi­or/­state that is being supported by the objects.
Methods − A behavior of anything is simply known as a Method. Many methods can be contained in a class. The methods are respon­sible for the manipu­lation of written logics and execution of all the actions.
Instance Variables − Every object has its own unique set of instance variables. And the state of an object is generally created by the values that are assigned to these instance variables

Reasons why you are interested with this language

-Java is the most in-demand progra­mming language.
-The sky's the limit for what you can build with Java.
-Java developers make great money
-Java has deep community support.
-Java is beginn­er-­fri­endly.